
Meditation and more

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Gratitude and positive emotions to increase the immune system

In his book Becoming Superhuman, neuropsychology specialist Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how thoughts and emotions influence the biology of the human body. These secrete into the body chemicals that influence the cells’ genetic expression and allow them to regulate it positively, or negatively. We now know that with epigenetics, the environment outside the nucleus of the cell controls the genetics itself. It is possible to have a genetic predisposition to a certain disease, but it is only if the environment outside the cell allows it to express itself by activating the proteins necessary for its expression by a double pathway: the external environment of body and its stimuli, and also by the biochemical environment of the body influenced by thoughts and emotions. Thus, Dr. Dispenza demonstrates in his research and experiments on groups of people, that a practice of 3 times 10 minutes a day to focus and to feel a positive emotion like gratitude allows the body to increase in a few days its level of IgA, a classic blood marker for regulation of the immune system, homeostasis and cytokine cells. His practice focuses on the influence of emotions on the healing of chronic diseases and how to transform emotions daily to have a positive impact on the body, vitality and health. An integrative osteopathic session would certainly embrace the circulation of emotions as a way to enhance the treatment. Talk with your osteopath about it.

Gratitude and positive emotions to increase the immune system Read More »

le froid et la respiration wih hof


WIM HOF BREATHING TECHNIQUES In osteopathy, we always seek to harmonize the functioning of the body systems. What if there were methods to do it by yourself? It is certain that the techniques developed by the yogis of ancient India hold several secrets for self-regulating our body. Let’s see how Wim Hof got it! His popularity is constantly growing and he impresses everyone who is interested in him. Holder of more than twenty world record mainly related to the ability to withstand the cold, so called  » iceman  », Wim Hof, the Dutchman in his late fifties, offers breathing techniques that allow to activate and oxygenate the human body. These exercises are very similar to vigorous pranayamas, or breathing techniques derived from yoga, to quickly oxygenate the brain and body, while operating the respiratory muscles and improving the mobility of the chest and finally, scientifically improve the immune system.   For his practice, Wim Hof ​​combines these exercises with cold adaptation and the ability to relax the body in the cold. Teams of scientists who study his case seem to prove that the ability to adapt the body to cold allows him to access a particular brain pharmacology by releasing dopamine and cannabinoids and a large amount of adrenaline and noradrenaline that increase considerably its immune system and its resistance to stress. Wim Hof ​​offers these exercises to anyone who wants to improve their level of health, their joie de vivre, and their happiness.   While osteopathy can greatly help the general health and develop the adaptability of the human body, daily practice of conscious breathing is a great way to help your body and to develop a daily conscious meditation practice. Here is a documentary allowing you to discover the  » Iceman  »! Good listening.! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaMjhwFE1Zw&t=911s And here’s one to learn and incorporate Wim Hof’s breaths into your daily practice. In summary, there are four sets of 30 breaths. Each series is a suite of maximum inspiration and maximum expiration at high speed. Each inspiration should include abdominal, thoracic and cranial breathing, and thus include a focus of attention in the skull. At the end of the series, the air is expelled completely and you hold your breath, empty lungs, as long as possible or several benefits are attributed. These breaths bring a degree of calm and exceptional concentration, focus, and bring you back into the present moment, guaranteed.   This is how he does it.  In osteopathy, there are tons of techniques to self regulate the body.  Combine both for the most efficiency.


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