
June 2019

healing blood brain barrier

Healing the blood brain barrier

THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER A very important biological function is the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), which unfortunately runs the risk of becoming permeable. This barrier acts as a filter in the blood which determines which molecules and substances will be able to cross it in order to penetrate into the brain. This barrier is semi-permeable in its natural state and sorts through the materials the brain needs such as glucose, amino acids, fat-soluble nutrients and ketones, and blocks the passage to toxic substances and pathogens. Like the intestinal wall, which can be permeable and whose tight junctions can open to admit undigested proteins and other substances, the brain wall runs the same danger. The integrity of this barrier can be compromised by a variety of factors; exposures to toxic products; chronic inflammation of the body; chronic stress; alcohol; and probably other factors still undetermined. The point is that once the barrier becomes permeable, the brain is vulnerable and an inflammatory cascade ensues that can have serious repercussions on optimal brain function.[1]  A slow and subtle decrease in brain function can begin as well as a feeling of daily mental fog, loss of concentration and memory loss and give way to chronic brain inflammation that can degrade into neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.[2] As the permeability of this barrier is often linked with a loss of integrity of the intestinal wall, it is often related to digestive problems. How is the blood-brain barrier constituted? The BBB is made up of three systems that regulate the entry of molecules between the blood and the blood system of the brain. The physical barrier between the blood and the brain, consisting of a single layer of endothelial cells lining the rim of the walls of the blood capillaries. Specific transporters between the blood and the brain An enzymatic barrier that contains neurotransmitters and enzymes that manage the toxins that come close to it. As the physical barrier containing only a single layer of cell, like the intestinal wall, it can be weakened and thus leave room for the entry of toxic molecules and undigested proteins instigating an inflammatory cascade in the brain by the glial cells. These are the cells of the immune system present between the neurons and are 10x more numerous than the latter. How is the BBB affected? One of the first causes that can affect the regulation of the barrier is lack of sleep or lack of restful sleep. A research team has demonstrated that REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phases in sleep cycles are directly related to the integrity of the barrier.[3] Chronic lack of sleep induces a cascade of problems with normal glucose use and can ease BBB degradation. Chronic inflammation, the evil of the century, linked to constant stress, junk food and environmental toxins is an agent that promotes the degradation of the BBB. Unfortunately, this so common condition seems to have tragic repercussions on the brain.[4] Chronic consumption of alcohol is also another cause studied.[5] The degradation of alcohol in its by-products, which gives this feeling of headache for those who have already consumed too much, creates in the end damage to our precious wall. Another very common factor is high blood pressure. Researchers have found a direct link between this state of tension in the arteries and the integrity of the BBB.[6] It appears that the permeability of the barrier also increases under the effect of certain pathogens.  It occurs also following concussions and also after the inflammation caused by a cerebral  stroke. In the latter case, the integrity of the barrier could be compromised more during the following hours and gradually until four or five weeks after the accident. It is interesting to note that hyperglycaemia following an ACV showed a worsening of the inflammatory effects and an increase in the degradation of the BBB.[7] It appears that the permeability of the barrier also increases under the effect of certain pathogens, following concussions and also after the inflammation caused by a stroke. In the latter case, the integrity of the barrier could be compromised more during the following hours and gradually until four or five weeks after the accident. It is interesting to note that hyperglycaemia following an ACV showed a worsening of the inflammatory effects and an increase in the degradation of the BBB. Although there seems to be little study on this subject that may seem obvious, heavy metals are also a cause of the degradation of the BBB. Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic and Mercury are all accused.[8] The last explored factor presents another piece of evidence that proves once again that glycemic stability seems to be a keystone of health. This study demonstrates that the glycemic variability associated with hyperglycemia causes damage to the integrity of the BBB, changes in the transport functions of the BBB for essential nutrients, and oxidative stress in the blood capillaries of the Central Nervous System.[9] It even advances the link between BBB degradation and Beta-Amyloid plaque protein transport between blood and CNS setting the stage for Alzheimer’s disease, now known as Type 3 Diabetes. In summary, here is what is involved in the degradation of the BBB Lack of sleep Stress and chronic inflammation Alcohol Heavy metals ACVs, Concussions and Head Traumas Certain pathogens Hyperglycemia or diabetes I and II   Testing the blood brain barrier The easiest test to see if the barrier is permeable or not according to the specialist in the field, the practitioner of functional medicine Datis Kharrazian N.D., D.C, is to take a capsule of the neurotransmitter GABA and observe if the sedative effects are felt. This molecule is usually too big to pass through a healthy brain wall and if the calming, relaxing and sedative effects of this capsule are felt, it indicates a deficient wall. He proposes to take 1000mg, on an empty stomach, around 6pm and see if the person feels tired, calm, relaxing. In the positive case, this would indicate an impaired BBB.  

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Optimum Osteo cure liquide de 3 jours 3 days liquid detox


3 Days detox diet, vegan and liquid food. In my practice in osteopathy in Montreal, I am often asked how to have more energy. The system is often overloaded by the toxicity of the world we live in and by poor eating habits and life stress. Here is a little easy detox to help the liver and the body! The fruit and vegetable intake are an asset of excellence to detoxify the body while providing the fiber needed to release the digestive tract and bringing nutrients in large quantities to support the body to continue its daily activities. A liquid vegan diet of 1 to 3 days is proposed by the famous Dr. Oz to detoxify the body and help the digestive tract.[1] This kind of cure is advised by many alternative health practitioners and is inspired in juice detox centers like Gerson or Tree of life although these centers uses only juices without the fiber. Of course, there are other more intense treatments to detoxify the body, like fasting with green juices or with water, but this 3 days one is an excellent entry point for anyone with a standard diet. In my experience, the removal of animal products and the removal of grains and starchy foods are a great benefit to my body during these few days. The vegan diet also clears my mind and removes a heaviness that can clug my heart and my psyche sometimes. The low intake of sugar reduces the proliferation of bad bacteria and stabilizes the blood sugar and therefore the concentration and energy level. Obviously, the great contribution of fiber thanks to this cure enriched with many vegetables and fruits, brings an ease in my intestinal transit and gives me a great dose of energy. From my experience, releasing the digestive tract is often a keystone to help me in my health and a vegan diet gives perspective to the emotional patterns underlying the body tensions. The detox: Soups, Smoothies and Fresh Juices, Soups: soups without potatoes, full of vegetables, green or other, with turmeric, garlic, ginger and olive oil. I sprinkle with hemp seeds, flax or chia, or soaked nuts in small amounts. Smoothies: Mainly green smoothies, with lemon, kale, spinach, hemp, parsley, flax seeds and mango. I Go with creativity or other recipes that abound on the internet. I avoid dates and high glycemic bananas as well as all dried fruits. Fresh Juice: Juice with my extractor, of any kind, carrots ginger beetroot, or simply celery. Packed with nutrients and enzymes. I avoid all the pasteurized juice rich in sugar. Extras: I add an intermittent fast with that, 14-16h overnight, without eating. I add psyllium to release the tube even more. I take plants to support the adrenal sometimes. And support the liver at other times. Proteins: Seeds and nuts, maximum one handful per day, soaked in water 12 hours before to reactivate them. Hemp, Chia, Flax, Spirulina, Chlorella, and Chicken Broth Protein do the job for my day FAT: Coconut oil, linseed oil, olive oil, avocado, oil rich in DHA / EPA Considerations: I drink a lot of water, 1L in the morning on an empty stomach, with chlorophyll. I remove stimulants such as coffee, tea and cocoa. An osteopathy treatment to release abdominal tensions during this period can be optimal. If 3 days seem impossible sometimes, I prefer to do 2 days or even 1 day only not at all! I do this cure every time I feel it. It’s far from being a complete detox or a deep one but just enough to put my system back in place. Adding some probiotics like the ones from Garden of Life, Dr Formulated are an excellent options. Then, considering entering an anti-inflammatory diet to further support health could be also interesting as you can read in my blog here! [1] https://www.doctoroz.com/article/dr-ozs-3-day-detox-cleanse-one-sheet


PQQ – PYRROQUINOLINE QUINONE – La supermolécule du cerveau

S’il y avait un seul nutriment à choisir qui présente le plus de potentiel pour le cerveau humain, ce serait peut-être celui-ci. Le PQQ a été classé en 2003 dans la catégorie des vitamines B et est un nutriment si essentiel qu’il a été démontré que lorsqu’on le retirait de l’alimentation des jeunes mammifères, ceux-ci présentaient des difficultés dans le développement.[1] Il est plus que cela pourtant et se distingue maintenant au summum de la science anti-aging. En plus de ses propriété

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PQQ – PYRROQUINOLINE QUINONE – Brain’s supermolecule

If there was one nutrient to choose that has the most potential for the human brain optimisation, it might be this one. The PQQ was classified in 2003 as a B-vitamin and is such an essential nutrient that it was shown that when removed from the diet of young mammals, they presented impaired development[1]. It is more than that yet and now stands out at the pinnacle of anti-aging science. In addition to its beneficial anti-inflammatory properties as well as hepatoprotective and cardioprotective

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