Healthy eating

Dr. William Davis’ vision of heart disease: defeating the real cause of coronary heart disease?

Dr. William Davis’ vision of heart disease: defeating the real cause of coronary heart disease? Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and author of the book Super Gut, has developed an out-of-the-box perspective on the causes and treatment of heart disease. His vision challenges many preconceived ideas in the field of cardiology, tainted by the influence of pharmaceutical companies, and proposes an alternative approach to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular problems. Here is a detailed summary of his main ideas: 1. The role of modern wheat and refined carbohydrates According to Dr. Davis, one of the main factors contributing to heart disease is the excessive consumption of modern wheat and refined carbohydrates. He argues that: The genetically modified wheat consumed today is significantly different from that consumed by our ancestors. Modern wheat proteins, particularly gluten, can cause chronic inflammation in the body. Refined carbohydrates, including those from wheat, cause rapid blood sugar spikes, leading to insulin overproduction. This overproduction of insulin promotes fat storage, particularly visceral fat, which is strongly linked to heart disease. Eliminating wheat and drastically reducing refined carbohydrates can, he believes, reverse many health problems, including heart disease. Wheat contains opioid-related compounds and humans develop an addiction to it 2. Challenging the cholesterol hypothesis Dr. Davis challenges the widely accepted idea that high cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease. His arguments include: Cholesterol is an essential molecule for many bodily functions, including hormone production and brain health. Measuring total cholesterol or even LDL-cholesterol is an imperfect indicator of cardiovascular risk. The size and density of LDL particles are more important than their total number. Small, dense LDL particles are more dangerous than large ones. A diet low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats can improve lipid profile by increasing LDL particle size and reducing triglycerides. Excessive use of statins to reduce cholesterol can have harmful side effects and does not treat the underlying causes of heart disease. 3. The importance of inflammation Dr. Davis emphasizes chronic inflammation as a key factor in the development of heart disease: Chronic inflammation can damage arterial walls, initiating the process of atherosclerosis. Pro-inflammatory foods, such as refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils rich in omega-6, canola, sunflower, palm and hydrogenated fats, contribute to this inflammation. Inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, are more reliable indicators of cardiac risk than total cholesterol. An anti-inflammatory diet, rich in healthy fats and low in refined carbohydrates, can reduce systemic inflammation. 4. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome Dr. Davis considers insulin resistance to be a crucial factor in the development of heart disease: Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates leads to chronic insulin overproduction. Over time, cells become resistant to insulin, leading to chronic hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance is associated with hypertension, abdominal obesity and an unfavorable lipid profile. Metabolic syndrome, characterized by insulin resistance, is a major precursor of heart disease. Reducing carbohydrates in the diet can improve insulin sensitivity and reverse metabolic syndrome. 5. The role of vitamin D Dr. Davis emphasizes the importance of vitamin D in cardiovascular health: Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Vitamin D plays a role in regulating blood pressure, endothelial function and inflammation. Sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation can benefit heart health. He recommends regular testing of vitamin D levels and supplementation if necessary. 6. The impact of oxidative stress Oxidative stress is another important factor in Dr. Davis’ vision: The free radicals produced by oxidative stress can damage blood vessels and contribute to atherosclerosis. A diet rich in natural antioxidants can help combat oxidative stress. He recommends eating foods rich in polyphenols, vitamins C and E, and other antioxidants. Spirulina, Chlorella, E3Live and Methylene Blue are among the most powerful antioxidants. 7. The importance of exercise Although Dr. Davis emphasizes diet, he also recognizes the importance of exercise: Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and blood vessels. It helps reduce insulin resistance and improve lipid profile. Exercise contributes to weight management and stress reduction, two important factors for heart health. Why not start by running either 4 x 4 min at 70% of your max or simply 8 x 10 sec at your max. Start with that. 8. Stress management Dr. Davis recognizes the impact of chronic stress on cardiovascular health: Chronic stress can increase inflammation and contribute to hypertension. He recommends stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing. Good quality sleep is also highlighted as important for heart health. I would add to stress management the importance of experiencing all your emotions to the full. 9. Dr. Davis’ nutritional approach The diet recommended by Dr. Davis to prevent and treat heart disease includes : Complete elimination of wheat and drastic reduction of refined carbohydrates. Increased consumption of healthy fats, including saturated fats from natural sources. Increased consumption of non-starchy vegetables. The inclusion of high-quality proteins, such as eggs, meat and fish. Limiting fruit because of its sugar content. Avoidance of vegetable oils rich in omega-6 and preference for olive oil, coconut oil and butter. 10. Criticism of conventional approaches Dr. Davis is critical of many aspects of conventional cardiology: He questions the efficacy and safety of statins for the primary prevention of heart disease. He criticizes the emphasis on low-fat diets, arguing that they may actually increase cardiac risk. He questions the usefulness of angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery in many cases, suggesting that these interventions do not treat the underlying causes. 11. Dr. Davis’ diagnostic approach To assess cardiac risk, Dr. Davis recommends more comprehensive tests than standard blood tests: LDL particle size analysis Measurement of lipoprotein(a) Assessment of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein Coronary artery calcification test Evaluation of thyroid function Measurement of vitamin D levels 12. Treatment and prevention according to Dr. Davis Dr. Davis’ approach to treating and preventing heart disease includes: A radical change in diet, eliminating wheat and drastically reducing refined carbohydrates. Increasing consumption of healthy fats and proteins. Supplementation with specific nutrients, including vitamin

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spirulina spiruline

Spirulina: a super alkaline protein for a daily energy boost

Spirulina: a super alkaline protein for a daily energy boost.   I love spirulina.  Okay, the taste is peculiar but I have found some good combinations to consume it.  And above all, spirulina is such an incredibly rich source of nutrients, that figuring out how to incorporate it into our diet is a huge benefit to our bodies! It is a cyanobacteria in the blue-green algae category and is a source of complete plant protein that makes up 60-70% of its weight.  Its repertoire of amino acids is certainly not the same as an animal source in terms of proportion but it is all there. It also contains many vitamins, A, E, D, K, and all the B vitamins.  It is super rich in iron, minerals and trace elements, fatty acids and chlorophyll.  It is therefore super alkaline, promoting detox.  It contains a lot of antioxidants as you can see with its dark green color and therefore helps to balance the excess of free radicals that accentuate the aging of the body and the progress of many diseases. It is an essential source of energy in daily life with only one drawback: its taste.  It is not for everyone to consume it naturally but we can find ways to get around that. Another thing to consider,  It is very cooling, due to its detoxification properties among others.  So it is easier to consume it when the temperature is above zero and even more so when it is above 20 celsius! Spirulina cream This is one of my favorite ways to consume it 1 CS of spirulina powder 2 CS of hemp protein powder 1 half CS of honey sugar free almond milk tahini or almond butter Mix everything together into a smooth cream and enjoy as an ultra healthy, super protein rich dessert.   Green Smootie with spirulina 1 organic apple 1 CS flaxseed 2 CS hemp seeds 1 CS of spirulina + chlorella almond milk Lemon Mix everything in a blender and voilà, simple and quite delicious.   You can also sweeten it with stevia to stay in keto mode during the day!   How do you like it?   Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

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detox cetogene paleo alimentation du printemps 2021 diet keto

Optimal keto/paleo detox diet for spring 2021

Optimal keto/paleo detox diet for spring 2021   Spring is coming and it is time to transform my diet in order to cleanse the body of its toxins and cellular waste and to optimize the functions of my liver.  In general, during the winter, I eat more, and often too many carbohydrates, starches and sugars that clog the digestion and create accumulated toxins. In Ayurveda, we call these accumulated toxins in the organs and tissues amas and these occur because of a combination of factors such as overeating, eating at times when digestion is weakened or eating with stress or more charged emotions and, in today’s world, this affects many, many people. So in the spring, with the temperature rising and giving the signal to the cells to pour their toxins into the bloodstream, it is time to adapt my diet to do a detox.  Otherwise, and I see it frequently in my osteopathic practice in Montreal, the congestion of the digestive tract in spring brings its share of tensions, backaches, blockages, and so on. Here is how I adapt my diet to a keto/paleo style detox, focusing on vegetables, fiber, superfoods, good fats and clean proteins. I’ve put together this article and in the jungle of modern diets and food trends, it’s sometimes hard to find your way.   Preparatory Week Step 1: Empty the digestive tract. I need to give the digestive tract room to start and free up space before taking plants that increase detox.  So, a preparatory week where I remove certain things from my diet and include certain herbs to clear the tube.   I start to: – Not eating 3 hours before bedtime and never after 8pm – Practice intermittent fasting from 2-6pm after dinner until the next morning – Drink 1 L of water on an empty stomach in the morning with chlorophyll and lemon – I make sure to do a few exercise sessions a week, to stimulate the lymph, a waste transport network in the body that is only activated with movement. Sometimes it can be as simple as jumping up and down doing jumping jacks, doing a few sprints outside, a yoga practice, squats or push-ups in a gap in the day, in fact anything that moves the body and activates the heart. Step 2: Herbs to add for the week of preparation I make it easy to eliminate the tube and start to : – Taking 2-4 Tablespoons of chia or flax well soaked in my day (maybe combined with superfoods, nut milks etc). – I add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Triphala at night before bed, this Ayurvedic blend designed for tube emptying.  Super effective. Step 3: Adapting the diet 3.1 To remove from the diet So during my prep week, here’s what I remove. – I remove the classic allergens because these can create unnecessary stress on the digestive tract and body inflammation for some and even if no symptoms are apparent, their effects are sometimes insidious and support other chronic diseases.  Gluten, Peanut, Dairy, Corn, Soy – I remove red meat, it activates the mTor network, which in turn inhibits apoptosis and cell repair, and creates for many a restlessness of the mind and bodily tension, especially in the heart. – I remove all simple sugars, they put unnecessary stress on the body by activating cortisol and destabilizing blood sugar. – I remove poor quality monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils, considered more damaging to the body than sugar itself.  These include all trans oils, canola, sunflower, palm oil, soybean, peanut and polyunsaturated cooking oils such as olive oil etc.  I concentrate my intake of good fats with coconut oil, avocado oil, raw olive oil, DHA rich oils, and high omega 3 oils like hemp and good quality flax.   I also avoid eating a lot of nuts during the day, which is quite heavy on the liver, and I soak my nuts and seeds to facilitate digestion and absorption. – I remove stimulants such as coffee, tea and cocoa to allow the adrenal glands to rest completely and allow the body to recover. This allows you to slow down and it is true that at the beginning you may come into contact with fatigue, which is the reality of the body.  After a few nights of rest and a healthy diet, the body recovers.  To optimize sleep, I have an entire blog on the best strategies for sleeping like a baby that you can read by clicking here! – Alcohol.  Obviously, to be removed from the body – Unsoaked nuts and seeds.  Nuts are hard on the liver and digestion, unless you soak them for about 8 hours and then start the germination process.  The fats and proteins in nuts start to be pre-digested and the anti-nutrients like phytic acid and lectins come out in the soaking water.  The only seeds that do not require soaking are hemp seeds and ground flax. In summary, what I remove – Red meat – Dairy products – Gluten, corn, soy, peanuts – Coffee, tea, cocoa – Simple sugar, except honey – Poor quality mono or polyunsaturated oils – Unsoaked nuts and seeds. – Alcohol   3.2 Intermittent or cyclic ketogenic/Paleo diet. To facilitate the detox and give room for digestion, the trick is to remove complex sugars like grains and starches. So in the week of preparation, I start to gather all the grains and starches in one meal, that is to say the evening meal.  The rest of the day, we are in keto/paleo mode.  Refer to my optimal ketogenic/paleo diet guide by clicking here.  And when it’s time to detox, I take them out completely.     The spring keto/paleo green detox Here we are, ready to get into the heart of the detox.  By continuing the good strategies taken in the preparatory week, the detox is usually pretty smooth and easy.  I continue intermittent fasting, lots of water, triphala, movement and exercise, chia, getting enough sleep and still

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Le guide de l’alimentation Cétogène / Paléo Optimale diet 2021

The Optimal Protocol Ketogenic / Paleo Guide for 2021

How to optimize your ketogenic/paleo diet in 2021 Eating paleo or ketogenic and eliminating sugars and carbohydrates is not simply adding cream to your coffee and drinking directly from the highest fat coconut milk.  It’s easy to fall into a completely unbalanced ketogenic diet full of animal matter that weighs down the system, forget to eat fiber and green leaves or stuff yourself with rancid polyunsaturated fats full of Omega-6 that will boost the body’s inflammation. Here I give you my optimal version of a paleo-ketogenic anti-inflammatory diet, without lectins, which will bring you a beneficial dose of energy and focus on a daily basis, in addition to limiting the damage caused by a diet rich in carbohydrates and sugar. It is usually ideal for those  who want to get out of the « up and downs » of glycemic fluctuations and energy collapse in the afternoon after a carbohydrate-rich lunch.  My experience is that is helped me to reduce inflammation in the body and recovering more quickly and completely from a concussion, and rebalance my digestion, I offer you some inspiration to reach your goal with an optimal ketogenic/paleo diet in 2021.   The Basics – Cyclic Ketogenic Nutrition Ketones (those units of fat that the mitochondria will use in a ketogenic/paleo diet that produce anti-inflammatory compounds, as opposed to glucose), begin to be produced in the bloodstream from about the 12th hour of fast.  So, after a night’s sleep, from the 12th hour of the last meal of the night before, the body begins to regulate itself and begins to produce ketones for energy, ATP. So in a cyclic ketogenic diet, the goal is to stay in production of fat units all the rest of the day, until the evening meal, where the glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver can be renewed by the arrival of healthy carbohydrates. Of course, it’s not just about consuming fat and protein.  And it’s a mistake that many people who are enthusiastic about eating paleo are making, but fiber from plants must make up a large portion of what’s on the plate, or in the blender, to allow for optimal digestion and to nourish good bacteria. The good fats Proteins, vegetables and fats, they say.  What are the good fats to eat?  Some genetics from Nordic countries use saturated fats better than others, from Mediterranean countries who will prefer polyunsaturated fats.  Unless you do a genetic test on the subject, a combination of fats that is reasonable in saturated fat seems balanced. – Bone broths (always use pasture-raised carcasses or free-range chickens) – Organic dairy products, from grass-fed cows, or goats, (for those who do not have intolerance or chronic diseases and are already healthy enough without digestive problems). – Yogurts – Eggs – Coconut (cream, coconut butter, unsweetened milk, yogurt) – Cocoa Butter (to be added in drinks, coffee, golden mylk etc.) – Lawyer – Olive oil + olives – Omega-3 fish oils rich in DHA. As the trophic brand – Vegetable DHA oil of golden algae – TCM Oil (slightly increasing ketones in the blood when taken on an empty stomach) – Soaked nuts and seeds (only a handful a day) – Flax seed, hemp seed, chia   Proteins, I’m eating And the debate always comes back to eating meat or not?  To choose the egg or the chicken? To choose the chicken, and animal meat, it is essential to be aligned with our values of limiting animal cruelty and making consumption choices that encourage small farmers, who take care of their animals, so that they can graze as much as possible in the wild – if being in an enclosure, however large, can be called freedom.  Without pesticides, without hormones and antibiotics of course. Fix the carbon with grass fed beef? Although the subject of climate change gives us the impression that methane emissions from the largest edible mammals is a step backwards for the fate of the environment, the practice of grazing cattle rather fixes more carbon than it emits!  Isn’t that surprising?  According to recent studies done on grass-fed and grass-finished beef producers, it has been shown that throughout the production chain, more carbon is fixed by the natural renewal and replenishment of the soil, which balances methane emissions and even more. This is because the natural poop from herbivores enriches the soil with micro-bacteria that stimulate the growth of new plants and thus fix carbon.  In a natural environment, it is the predators that regulate the herd of herbivores and prevent the desertification of the soil.  In the case of a herder, it is through the rotation of pastures.  The desertification of the soil by excessive and chemical-filled agriculture can be renewed by the presence of these large nomadic herbivores, and by conscious caring of these cattle. [1] Tests have been made in East Africa in areas ravaged by desertification and the results of vegetation regrowth are impressive by these nomadic grazing methods, as it was done in ancestral times.     On the health side, of course, followers of the paleo diet of prehistoric humans will tell you that meat is necessary for human survival and fans of vegan or Buddhism will tell you that it is better not to kill animals.  From my point of view and experience, and to make a short story, the consciousness of the more evolved mammals on the food chain  experiencing « difficult » emotions at the time of going to the slaughterhouse can be crystallized and stored in the tissues, and some more sensitive people may be more affected by its digestion, especially that of red meat.  This is why in oriental traditions, for followers of spiritual disciplines, in order to lighten and open their consciousness to less physical realities, eating animals was contraindicated.   Heavier for the conscience, red meat is forbidden in Ayurveda for certain castes traditionally and meat is not part of an optimal satvique yogic diet.  But bone broth, yes, even for vegetarians.  Bone broth is so

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8 acides aminés essentiels EAAs Essential Amino Acids

The 8 essential amino acids (EAAs) : one of my daily favorite supplement

The 8 essential amino acids EAAs Amino acids are the building blocks of our body.  The 8 essentials are the ones we need to get from food and through these proteins that we break down once in our body, we use the amino acids for all the systems in our body.  Amino acids are essential for muscles and bones, but also essential for the functioning of the immune system, the creation of neurotransmitters, the repair of the intestinal mucous membrane, the transport of oxygen and much more.  When we are deficient in protein, our body must select which system will use the available amino acids and it may be the immune system that suffers, or another.  It is therefore essential to have all the essential amino acids available on a daily basis. Do you have enough protein? Excellent health and sports specialists such as author and speaker Ben Greenfield recommends 0.55 to -0.8 grams of protein per pound of weight depending on age and exercise.  Above the age of 50-55 years, with the unfortunate process of loss of muscle mass, it is better to raise these figures to more towards 1g per pound, especially to gain muscle mass.  In cases of cancer, obviously, it’s a different story because we don’t want to introduce too much protein into the diet. Essential amino acids sold in supplements are a 99% assimilable source and a 5g serving is equivalent to 15g of protein if converted.  Obviously, prehistoric humans never used canned supplements, but I find the concept of being able to optimize daily protein intake by reducing one’s ecological footprint and not eating meat every meal interesting for those who want to eat paleo.  This is great for those who want to optimize their ketogenic or paleo diet to reverse inflammation in their body or to heal themselves from a chronic disease, as you can read in my article by clicking on it. A study was done with a mountain climber who walked for 30 days on the western border of China with the 8 essential amino acids as her only source of protein.  No loss of muscle mass, no injuries.  No injury.  Perfect assimilation.  Ideal energy carrier. To support fasting Essential amino acids are perfect for supporting a fast.  For a full day fast, or a chicken broth fast, or even a green juice fast, EAAs maintain the absence of mechanical processes in the digestion and allow the body to rest while having a support of energy, focus and raw material for body repair. I love to take them in the morning in my daily intermittent fasting, with a hot beverage containing coconut oil and MCT.  It keeps my body on a fasted keto state in the morning and gives a steady focus and energy to start the morning till noon. Or else I take it to recover from a workout, or before intense physical activity. If you want to try it, there are only a few companies on the market right now, most of them in the United States, and I use the essentiel amino acids from BodyHealth, a great brand I trust in.  You can use the code OPTIMUMOSTEO for 10% discount on all your orders.   Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

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alimentation sans lectines pour une santé optimale

All about lectins and lectin-free Diet

The American Cardiologist, Dr. Steven Gundry is an expert in lectins, these compounds in plants that disrupt our immune system. Lectins are a defense mechanism of the plant world that allows the survival of certain species by secreting these compounds and disrupt their potential aggressors. Some lectins seek to paralyze the nervous system of certain insects. These compounds are active in our human system. Many clients come to see me in my practice in Montreal in osteopathy with physical tensions that can be related to the level of the abdomen and it is often more than a massage or a treatment in osteopathy that they need on the long term. Of course, releasing these tensions manually will temporarily help these clients, but when their metabolism becomes inflamed again due to the lectins, the tensions will inevitably return. It is important to address the different causes that affect the client’s metabolism and removing lectins from the diet is sometimes very effective. Until recently in the human history, the strength of the human microflora, combined with the traditional methods of soaking and fermenting the food, made it possible to fight against plant lectins.  However, with the invasive presence of antibiotics, as drugs, but also in animals intended for human consumption, and fertilizers such as glycophosphates (Monsanto’s Round Up was patented as an antibiotic), the human microbiota is less endowed with its ability to control the impact of lectins. The emergence of chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases increasingly present are for Dr. Gundry a direct link with the impact of these methods of industrial agriculture. Glycophosphates are everywhere: California wines, vegetable oils and vegetables and all the basic grains in the diet and more. The fermentation methods of the past made it possible to reduce lectins by a great deal and the ways of soaking, sprouting and cooking grains and lentils with a pressure cooker went in the same direction. Lectins agglutinate. Gluten is one of them. They bind the blood but also have a biomimetic capacity where they take the form of certain proteins in the body and disrupt the body’s defense system. The immune system attacks then its own body.  Gluten can do this in the pancreas, on the thyroid gland and in the cerebellum according to the specialist Datis Kharrazian, DC. The immune system attacks the body and follows hypothyroidism or neurological problem, he explains. Lectins infiltrate the blood stream through a permeable bowel.  Dr. Gundry explains that anyone with signs of anxiety and depression certainly has a permeable bowel.  All those who have an autoimmune or chronic disease, those with skin problems like eczema or psoriasis, diabetics I and II, those who are overweight, those with neurological problems, all have intestines permeability and intolerance most likely to lectins.  Dr. Gundry, himself a cardiac surgeon, suggests that some heart-related problems such as arteriosclerosis are produced by lectins that create inflammation of the artery walls where clumps cholesterol. And not the reverse. He also cites two scientific articles proving that lectins crawl along the tenth Cranial Nerve X, from the digestive tract, to the brain and cause Parkinson’s disease. Where are the lectins? Legumes, nuts, all grains such as wheat, corn, spell, rye, quinoa etc. and the Solanaceae family are the main sources of lectins. Also in some vegetables like zucchini and squash, as well as most fruits. Good then what to do. A non-lectin transition diet is Dr. Guntry’s solution with results that can be very fast in a matter of days. Then keeping this diet until the complete disappearance of all symptoms.  And then, have the ancient methods of fermentation, soaking and cooking to disable lectins reintroduced into the staple diet once the symptoms have disappeared. Here is the food! Lectins are present in Legumes Soy (except miso and tempeh because they are fermented) All lentils Tofu etc. Red, black beans, pinto etc. Nuts and seeds Cashews Peanuts Pumpkins Sunflower Chia Brazil (some say there are no lectins) Grains Rice, especially the husk of brown rice Wheat Kamut Spelled Rye bulgur Buckwheat Quinoa (The Incas germinated and fermented it) Tortillas Corn –The Solanaceae family Tomatoes (the peel) Peppers (peel and seeds) Hot peppers (peel and seeds) Eggplant White potatoes and chips – Fruits and Vegetables All fruits except berries Ripe bananas Goji (damn) Melons Zucchini Squash (Especially the peel) Peas – All farm animals and grain-fed fish – All conventional and / or unfermented North American dairy products – Seed oils and polyunsaturated oils Soybeans Sunflower Palme Canola Corn Etc. I know, it’s a lot of good foods. So what is left?One falls into a fairly paleo-anti-inflammatory classic diet often offered by holistic functional medicine. Dr. Gundry’s lectin-free diet Fat and Oil Olive oil Coconut in all its forms MCT oil Sesame oil Cod Liver Oil DHA oil and Omega 3 Nuts and Seeds Pecans Dr Gundry seems to tolerate in his diet walnuts, pines, pistachio and macadam in small quantities Linseed Hemp seeds Sesame seeds Tiger nuts Olives Freshwater algae Spirulina Chlorella E3Live Flour Almond Hazel Arrowroot Plantain Sweet potato Fruits Avocado All berries, in seasons and limited quantities Fermented Products Kefir with water or coconut Kim Chi Sauerkraut lactofermented vegetables Eco Conscious Meat and Fish and Animal Products, in moderation Wild fish (choose the least toxic and consume chlorella or activated charcoal at the same time to remove heavy metals) Grass-fed meats Poultry free range without antibiotic Wild meat Bone broth Ghee European cheese and yogurt from Europe (milk is not contaminated) (for those who tolerate dairy products. Vegetables The whole family of cabbages (broccoli, kale, cabbage, etc.) Bok choy Asparagus Arugula Cresson Celery Onions Beets Carrots Artichokes Radish Leeks Spinach Green leaves Lettuce Garlic Fennel Herbs Algae Mushrooms Starchy foods (in moderation) Sweet potatoes Green bananas Plantains Rutabaga Yucca Turnip To consume absolutely every day Inulin (as a prebiotic to feed the microbiota, it could be more useful than probiotics, and less expensive)  Pomegranate peel extract Chicory Inulin To be added daily as an option

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Dents d'un singe pour le protocol pour renverser les caries

Weston Price’s Paleo Diet for Teeth Health and Tooth Decay.

Weston Price’s Paleo Diet for Teeth Health and Tooth Decay. I try to reverse a stubborn tooth decay. Here is my protocol based on Dr. Weston Price. Do you know the Dentist Weston Price from the beginning of last century? Well, he studied the diets of the aboriginal tribes and compared their dentition with that of the modern Westerners. In summary, he has come to certain conclusions and proposes a paleo diet to regenerate the teeth and gums. This diet contains no sugar or grain. No grain because not only are they sweet but they contain phytic acid, which combines with vitamins and minerals in the digestive tract and inhibits their absorption. Thus the diet contains little or no legume and little or no nuts, which are very rich in phytic acid and also in lectins, these substances that protect certain plants that damage the lining of the digestive tract. The diet takes emphasis over animal fats, rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, essential for the repair of teeth and often missing in Western diets, particularly vegetarians. Although for many, it is better to remove dairy products from the diet if they have immune reactions and digestive problems, with the exception of Ghee or clarified butter, which often contains less than 0.1% casein and lactose. Same thing for eggs. There is an iodine supplement, often deficient in western in land diet and iodine is needed to maintain Vitamin D and K into bloodstream according to Dr. Jack Kruse. This diet and lifestyle will also have the effect of optimizing the digestive tract by removing sugary products and rebalance the intestinal flora for the most part. Although Some would have to follow an anti-parasitic approach to optimize the digestive tract and teeth. Obviously, it is a question of how to incorporate this kind of food, very rich in animal products in order to make acts of conscious consumption in the respect of the life and the planet. Thus, limit red meat and encourage local, organic and grass-fed farming. Choose free range chickens and wild fish. Add environmentally friendly portions of Spirulina and Chlorella protein, as well as bone broth protein and essential amino acids to replace portions of proteins.   THE EVERYDAY DIET  Adapted Weston Price’s diet – Butter or Ghee from grass fed cows (Grass-Fed) Rich in Vitamin K2 and Vitamin A and D – Dairy products very fat. – Eggs, mainly yellow – The organs of the animals, the marrow and the liver – ½ to 1 cup of bone broth – Wild fish, low in heavy metals, to consume always with chlorella which attaches to heavy metals in the digestive tract. – Shellfish – Fermented grains in small quantities or not at all. – Few nuts, always soaked one night otherwise or none at all – All plants raw and cooked, limiting for some the family Brassicaceae and nightshades for others – No fruit preferably – No processed food – No polyunsaturated vegetable oil rich in omega-6 like canola, sunflower, palm etc. – Avoid vinegar and acid products in the mouth, especially at the beginning of the first few weeks to repair the teeth: lemon, lime, kombucha, sauerkraut, etc. – Avoid juice and alcohol.   Other suggestions for optimizing your teeth and body   supplements – 10,000 U of vitamin D3 once or twice a day – Vitamin K2, 200% daily – Calcium vegetable algae products (New chapters or VegLIfe) up to 1000mg or more per day – Magnesium (600mg Citrate or up to 1000mg of glycinate) – Seaweed supplement – Iodine often 3 to 5 drops (Except for those with an autoimmune disease that must be treated before to avoid hashimoto) – Probiotics – 20-50 billion. – Essential amino acids 5-10g per day, to optimize the supply of essential protein in the formation of bones. – 20g of Bone Broth Protein – Cod Liver Oil without toxins from Grden of Life. Rich in fat-soluble vitamin. – Fish or algae oil rich in DHA – FLaxseed oil other lifestyle support – Optimize sleep (look in my blog here on optimizing sleep) – Optimize sun’s exposure – Intermittent Fasting 16-18h – Do not eat 3 hours before sleep – Optimize your metabolism in Ketosis – Supply of pure and mineralized water adequately, 1L at least in the morning fasting – Oil Pulling 2 times a day, morning on an empty stomach and in the evening. With oil, salt and probiotics – Shorter oil pulling with essential oils (mint, tea tree) – Tooth brushing and flossing when appropriate.   And Voila, I’ll tell you if it worked for me and my tooth decay in a few weeks! But it is already less painful! And you?

Weston Price’s Paleo Diet for Teeth Health and Tooth Decay. Read More »

Paleo Keto osteopathy osteopathie alimentation diet anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatoire ketogenic cétogène

Paleo/ketogenic anti-inflammatory diet

A Paleo or Ketogenic diet is in vogue today, although it has been the nutrition of Paleolithic humans for millions of years, and is coming back with its incredible ability to restore the functions and health of the body, offering a great source of vitality. Taking the metabolism out of carbohydrate sugar consumption allows the body to adapt to using ketones, which are two to five times more ATP energy producing than glucose. This diet is low in sugar; in simple sugars but also sugars of carbohydrate grains and starches. A ketogenic diet will be one that turns your ability to burn fat as a main source of fuel to produce ATP in your cells so it is usually within the 50 to 80g of carbohydrates per day while a paleo diet will allow more healthy carbs in the diet.   In my practice as an osteopath, providing enough information for my clients to be able to set goals and adapt to a nutritional lifestyle that helps them to thrive and repair their body is an important piece of the puzzle. Having a diet that fit your body needs and combining this with sessions in osteopathy is a great way to find optimal well being. I give you a here only a brief summary. The great benefits of this approach are: The absence of conventional allergens – Gluten, dairy products, corn, soy An exceptionally low sugar diet, stabilizing blood glucose, so more focus and energy Maximum mineral assimilation given the absence of lectin present in grains and legumes which inhibits absorption. An exceptional density of minerals and vitamins Allows restoration of the intestinal mucosa and rebalance the intestinal gut flora High quality protein Anti-inflammatory Usually decreases symptoms of autoimmunity related diseases. Here is a summary of this approach following the functional medicine doctors in the United States that helps a large number of people now, especially those who are trying to reverse an autoimmune disease and those who are battling the various symptoms of chronic inflammation. To find out more about the subject, you can consult the websites of American Doctors Mark Hyman, Josh Ax and David Perlmutter among others. Here is a list of foods to consider in this type of diet and a brief example of a menu. PROTEIN – Animal protein: Non-industrial chicken, preferably wild fish or eco-responsably farmed, quality bone broth. In small quantities, to be ecologically realistic, red meats (and / or wild), grass fed (grassfed and grass-finished) for those who do not show symptoms of stress, anxiety, sensitivity or depression. – Eggs (for those who do not have an inflammatory reaction) – Nuts and seeds: Soaked for a few hours or overnight. A handfull a day at most – Seeds of hemp, chia and flax – Spirulina, Chlorella, E3Live and Schinoussa Chlorella Protein Powder – Protein of chicken broth (My choice is that of Ancient Nutrition) – Quality Rice Protein (but sweeter and richer in carbs) – A supplement of 8 Amino Acids can be used to maximize recovery from chronic disease and digestive tract repair or physical training workout (see my blog on this topic) THOUGHTS ON VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN DIET Being a vegetarian for ecological responsibility, spiritual reasons and for moral values ​​is a respectable ethical choice in 2019, but if it results in a deficiency in the health of the individual, this position must be readjusted. When looking at Ayurveda, the millennia-old Indian medicine of maintaining human health, animal fat intake is essential in the purest sattvic diet, often in the form of ghee, clarified butter, or fresh milk products and sometimes also bone broth. However, western modern dairy culture does not provide quality milk sources at times, and European and North American genetics do not always allow lactose digestion. In addition, the modern immune responses to casein does not allow a large portion of the population to ingest milk product. It is therefore essential to go for high quality animal fat and protein elsewhere to deeply nourish the body. These products build among others the vital essence (Ojas in Ayurveda), that is to say hormones and gametes. I believe that it is healthy for an individual who seeks to improve their health to re-evaluate how to incorporate certain animal source products in an eco-responsible manner that supports both their health and their ethical values. Here are some choices that I think would be a priority to consider in order to reintroduce them into the vegetarian type of daily diet. It is also good to consider having enough quality fat, such as avocados, coconut and olive oil and to limit yourself in nut and nut butter portions that often hide protein deficiencies. – Ghee (for most people with food intolerance, clarified butter has a very tiny amount of lactose and casein and can be very well tolerated) – DHA supplement of quality fish oil (Trophic Brand) (Essential for the brain, DHA can be difficult to find for vegetarian and Omega plants badly converted, better to consider a supplement) – Fresh chicken bone broth (½ to 1C per day) – Chicken bone broth protein (Ancient Nutrition) – Essential Amino Acids (you can use this link ) PLANTS Various vegetables and all kinds. Root vegetables such as carrots and beetroot, mainly raw, to keep the blood glucose levels low. If the digestive tract requires repair, it is better then to have cooked vegetables vapors to facilitate their assimilation. The least sweet fruits. Avoid dried fruits and the sweetest fruits such as bananas, highly glycemic. Keeping low glycemic berries in moderation. Sprouts of all kinds: sunflower, broccoli, alfalfa, radish etc. The sprouts have excellent vitality and are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Wild edible plants FAT Fat is an important food source of energy to build a healthy hormonal system and to bring a quantity of collagen and cholesterol used to the optimal maintenance of a neurological and global health. Bad propaganda was made for fat, and research is now showing its

Paleo/ketogenic anti-inflammatory diet Read More »

farmed salmon, toxic food, toxicity, saumon, élevage, toxique, toxicité

Farmed salmon from Norway, the most toxic food on the planet

Farmed salmon, the most toxic food on the planet As I was preparing to cook a delicious salmon raised without antibiotics, reflecting the good intentions of its farmers, I came across an online documentary about the dark side of aquaculture. I’m reporting it to you here because it is true that it is easy to want to buy a farmed fish, given its abundance in store and its relatively cheap price. The fish is naturally healthy, rich in Omega 3 and DHA. This documentary will unfortunately convince you otherwise. It is not so much the fact that there are antibiotics or not, or even industrial quantities of pesticides that make it so harmful, but rather an accumulation of a highly toxic products from the fishes own food. What the journalist discovers is that there are much more toxins in farmed fish than any other food source, including beef, eggs and traditional farm chicken. The most devastating of these toxins lies in the dry food fed to the raised fishes. 70% of the salmon eaten on the planet come from Norway. They are fed with a dry porridge of fish from the Baltic Sea, one of the most polluted in the world, landlocked by industrial countries that dump their waste, including Russia, Poland and Germany and whose waters are only renewed every thirty years. These fish are transformed into protein powder and oil to which is added a neurotoxic substance produced by Mosanto to prevent rancidity. The report reveals disturbing facts about a scientist studying this substance and the effects on humans as well as the fisheries minister in Norway. In short, a lot in the same plate.  Even the best osteopathic manual therapy won’t take heavy metals out of your brain!   Here is the documentary that will change your menu forever.

Farmed salmon from Norway, the most toxic food on the planet Read More »

Optimum Osteo cure liquide de 3 jours 3 days liquid detox


3 Days detox diet, vegan and liquid food. In my practice in osteopathy in Montreal, I am often asked how to have more energy. The system is often overloaded by the toxicity of the world we live in and by poor eating habits and life stress. Here is a little easy detox to help the liver and the body! The fruit and vegetable intake are an asset of excellence to detoxify the body while providing the fiber needed to release the digestive tract and bringing nutrients in large quantities to support the body to continue its daily activities. A liquid vegan diet of 1 to 3 days is proposed by the famous Dr. Oz to detoxify the body and help the digestive tract.[1] This kind of cure is advised by many alternative health practitioners and is inspired in juice detox centers like Gerson or Tree of life although these centers uses only juices without the fiber. Of course, there are other more intense treatments to detoxify the body, like fasting with green juices or with water, but this 3 days one is an excellent entry point for anyone with a standard diet. In my experience, the removal of animal products and the removal of grains and starchy foods are a great benefit to my body during these few days. The vegan diet also clears my mind and removes a heaviness that can clug my heart and my psyche sometimes. The low intake of sugar reduces the proliferation of bad bacteria and stabilizes the blood sugar and therefore the concentration and energy level. Obviously, the great contribution of fiber thanks to this cure enriched with many vegetables and fruits, brings an ease in my intestinal transit and gives me a great dose of energy. From my experience, releasing the digestive tract is often a keystone to help me in my health and a vegan diet gives perspective to the emotional patterns underlying the body tensions. The detox: Soups, Smoothies and Fresh Juices, Soups: soups without potatoes, full of vegetables, green or other, with turmeric, garlic, ginger and olive oil. I sprinkle with hemp seeds, flax or chia, or soaked nuts in small amounts. Smoothies: Mainly green smoothies, with lemon, kale, spinach, hemp, parsley, flax seeds and mango. I Go with creativity or other recipes that abound on the internet. I avoid dates and high glycemic bananas as well as all dried fruits. Fresh Juice: Juice with my extractor, of any kind, carrots ginger beetroot, or simply celery. Packed with nutrients and enzymes. I avoid all the pasteurized juice rich in sugar. Extras: I add an intermittent fast with that, 14-16h overnight, without eating. I add psyllium to release the tube even more. I take plants to support the adrenal sometimes. And support the liver at other times. Proteins: Seeds and nuts, maximum one handful per day, soaked in water 12 hours before to reactivate them. Hemp, Chia, Flax, Spirulina, Chlorella, and Chicken Broth Protein do the job for my day FAT: Coconut oil, linseed oil, olive oil, avocado, oil rich in DHA / EPA Considerations: I drink a lot of water, 1L in the morning on an empty stomach, with chlorophyll. I remove stimulants such as coffee, tea and cocoa. An osteopathy treatment to release abdominal tensions during this period can be optimal. If 3 days seem impossible sometimes, I prefer to do 2 days or even 1 day only not at all! I do this cure every time I feel it. It’s far from being a complete detox or a deep one but just enough to put my system back in place. Adding some probiotics like the ones from Garden of Life, Dr Formulated are an excellent options. Then, considering entering an anti-inflammatory diet to further support health could be also interesting as you can read in my blog here! [1]


beet juice with nitrates


An exciting discovery comes to be published on nitrates, contained mainly in the waters, beets and green leafy vegetables. Based on studies in relation to the inhabitants of the Tibet plateau, high to more than 3500m of altitude or oxygen is decreased by 45%, which have  blood concentration of nitrate from 9 to 10 times higher, this discovery brings back the vegetable juice at the forefront of health once again. It has been demonstrated that the nitrates relax the smooth muscles of blood walls and thus help the body to adapt to the media where oxygen is scarce. Also, the consumption of beet juice daily participates in a drop of the blood pressure, thus benefiting the people suffering from hypertension. Studies have also demonstrated that the increase of nitrates via the daily consumption of green vegetable juice and of beet juice help athletes by increasing their capacity to use oxygen and help their performance and their recovery. Here are other benefits of the beet juice. – Aid to the detoxification of the liver, via its compounds of methionine and glycine betaine. – Boost eNox production to open up arteries and help the blood to circulate! A good preparation for a physical activity! – Protects the skin from free radicals by its antioxidants – Aid for the production of sex hormones thanks to its large concentration of boron – The beet is associated with the reduction of markers of inflammation as well as to the prevention of various cancer Do you juice your beets?   For one of the best beet juice powders, I use Alovitox’s Organic.  It’s a pinkish-red colour with a touch of super vibrant purple!  I love it!