Optimal Health

Dr. William Davis’ vision of heart disease: defeating the real cause of coronary heart disease?

Dr. William Davis’ vision of heart disease: defeating the real cause of coronary heart disease? Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and author of the book Super Gut, has developed an out-of-the-box perspective on the causes and treatment of heart disease. His vision challenges many preconceived ideas in the field of cardiology, tainted by the influence of pharmaceutical companies, and proposes an alternative approach to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular problems. Here is a detailed summary of his main ideas: 1. The role of modern wheat and refined carbohydrates According to Dr. Davis, one of the main factors contributing to heart disease is the excessive consumption of modern wheat and refined carbohydrates. He argues that: The genetically modified wheat consumed today is significantly different from that consumed by our ancestors. Modern wheat proteins, particularly gluten, can cause chronic inflammation in the body. Refined carbohydrates, including those from wheat, cause rapid blood sugar spikes, leading to insulin overproduction. This overproduction of insulin promotes fat storage, particularly visceral fat, which is strongly linked to heart disease. Eliminating wheat and drastically reducing refined carbohydrates can, he believes, reverse many health problems, including heart disease. Wheat contains opioid-related compounds and humans develop an addiction to it 2. Challenging the cholesterol hypothesis Dr. Davis challenges the widely accepted idea that high cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease. His arguments include: Cholesterol is an essential molecule for many bodily functions, including hormone production and brain health. Measuring total cholesterol or even LDL-cholesterol is an imperfect indicator of cardiovascular risk. The size and density of LDL particles are more important than their total number. Small, dense LDL particles are more dangerous than large ones. A diet low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats can improve lipid profile by increasing LDL particle size and reducing triglycerides. Excessive use of statins to reduce cholesterol can have harmful side effects and does not treat the underlying causes of heart disease. 3. The importance of inflammation Dr. Davis emphasizes chronic inflammation as a key factor in the development of heart disease: Chronic inflammation can damage arterial walls, initiating the process of atherosclerosis. Pro-inflammatory foods, such as refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils rich in omega-6, canola, sunflower, palm and hydrogenated fats, contribute to this inflammation. Inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, are more reliable indicators of cardiac risk than total cholesterol. An anti-inflammatory diet, rich in healthy fats and low in refined carbohydrates, can reduce systemic inflammation. 4. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome Dr. Davis considers insulin resistance to be a crucial factor in the development of heart disease: Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates leads to chronic insulin overproduction. Over time, cells become resistant to insulin, leading to chronic hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance is associated with hypertension, abdominal obesity and an unfavorable lipid profile. Metabolic syndrome, characterized by insulin resistance, is a major precursor of heart disease. Reducing carbohydrates in the diet can improve insulin sensitivity and reverse metabolic syndrome. 5. The role of vitamin D Dr. Davis emphasizes the importance of vitamin D in cardiovascular health: Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Vitamin D plays a role in regulating blood pressure, endothelial function and inflammation. Sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation can benefit heart health. He recommends regular testing of vitamin D levels and supplementation if necessary. 6. The impact of oxidative stress Oxidative stress is another important factor in Dr. Davis’ vision: The free radicals produced by oxidative stress can damage blood vessels and contribute to atherosclerosis. A diet rich in natural antioxidants can help combat oxidative stress. He recommends eating foods rich in polyphenols, vitamins C and E, and other antioxidants. Spirulina, Chlorella, E3Live and Methylene Blue are among the most powerful antioxidants. 7. The importance of exercise Although Dr. Davis emphasizes diet, he also recognizes the importance of exercise: Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and blood vessels. It helps reduce insulin resistance and improve lipid profile. Exercise contributes to weight management and stress reduction, two important factors for heart health. Why not start by running either 4 x 4 min at 70% of your max or simply 8 x 10 sec at your max. Start with that. 8. Stress management Dr. Davis recognizes the impact of chronic stress on cardiovascular health: Chronic stress can increase inflammation and contribute to hypertension. He recommends stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing. Good quality sleep is also highlighted as important for heart health. I would add to stress management the importance of experiencing all your emotions to the full. 9. Dr. Davis’ nutritional approach The diet recommended by Dr. Davis to prevent and treat heart disease includes : Complete elimination of wheat and drastic reduction of refined carbohydrates. Increased consumption of healthy fats, including saturated fats from natural sources. Increased consumption of non-starchy vegetables. The inclusion of high-quality proteins, such as eggs, meat and fish. Limiting fruit because of its sugar content. Avoidance of vegetable oils rich in omega-6 and preference for olive oil, coconut oil and butter. 10. Criticism of conventional approaches Dr. Davis is critical of many aspects of conventional cardiology: He questions the efficacy and safety of statins for the primary prevention of heart disease. He criticizes the emphasis on low-fat diets, arguing that they may actually increase cardiac risk. He questions the usefulness of angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery in many cases, suggesting that these interventions do not treat the underlying causes. 11. Dr. Davis’ diagnostic approach To assess cardiac risk, Dr. Davis recommends more comprehensive tests than standard blood tests: LDL particle size analysis Measurement of lipoprotein(a) Assessment of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein Coronary artery calcification test Evaluation of thyroid function Measurement of vitamin D levels 12. Treatment and prevention according to Dr. Davis Dr. Davis’ approach to treating and preventing heart disease includes: A radical change in diet, eliminating wheat and drastically reducing refined carbohydrates. Increasing consumption of healthy fats and proteins. Supplementation with specific nutrients, including vitamin

Dr. William Davis’ vision of heart disease: defeating the real cause of coronary heart disease? Read More »

spirulina, spiruline, superaliment, superfood, green alcalizing food, alimentation verte


3 GREEN SUPER FOODS TO EAT EVERY DAY Here are 3 Super foods I consume every day. One of the most important things to preserve the body is to have enough antioxidants to cope with the body’s natural oxidation (creating natural aging) but also with the oxidization due to air, water, food pollution, etc. These pollutants present in all environments are a cause of premature aging of the body and consuming natural antioxidants in greater quantities is a way to counter these attacks. SPIRULINA Spirulina, a blue-green microalgae, is famous for its remarkable nutritional properties. Because of its richness in complete proteins, essential vitamins such as B12, minerals such as iron and antioxidants, this substance is frequently incorporated as a nutritional supplement to boost vitality, support immune defences and promote detoxification of the body. Due to its high concentration of chlorophyll and phycocyanin, spirulina contributes to cell health and tissue regeneration, making it a valuable ally for optimal nutrition and increased vitality. I like to take one full tablespoon once or twice per day, especially in summer as it has a cooling effect and also protects the skin from sun damage.  In cooler climate, i would take less. Chlorella Chlorella, a green microalgae, is renowned for its nutritional and detoxifying properties. Due to its high content of proteins, vitamins (including vitamins B and C), minerals such as iron and zinc, as well as antioxidants, this plant is frequently used as a nutritional supplement to promote vitality, strengthen immune defenses and stimulate the detoxification process. Chlorella is highly appreciated for its ability to attach to heavy metals and other toxic substances, which facilitates their expulsion from the body. In addition, due to its high concentration of chlorophyll, it promotes cell health and improves tissue regeneration, making it a valuable supplement to a healthy, balanced diet. I like to take just half a teaspoon per day as the detox power of chlorella is very potent. Liquid chlorophyll Liquid chlorophyll, obtained from green plant extracts, is widely used as a dietary supplement because of its multiple health benefits. Thanks to its antioxidant richness, it helps to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Liquid chlorophyll is also known for its detoxifying properties, which promote the elimination of toxins and support the health of the liver. In addition, it has the ability to optimize the digestion process, neutralize body odors and promote wound healing. Its ability to stimulate red blood cell production and promote blood oxygenation makes it a choice supplement for individuals seeking to improve their vitality and overall health. I use these 3 super foods every day. The spirulina and chlorella in my morning pudding most often, or sometimes in the afternoon, and the chlorophyll in my water in the morning and all throughout the day.   I hope this inspires you to incorporate these super foods into your daily life!   Janeck Olczyk D.O., Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health www.OptimumOsteo.com Montréal


Optimize your stem cells, stem cell therapy, optimiser vos cellules souches thérapie

10 Ways to optimize your stem cells

10 Ways to optimize your stem cells   What are stem cells? Stem cells, which are the unspecialized cells of the human body, possess the remarkable ability to differentiate into several specialized cell types. They are important for the process of growth, restoration of impaired organs, and the renewal of tissue. Stem cells can be classified into two primary categories: embryonic stem cells, which are present throughout the initial stages of embryonic development, and adult stem cells, which are located in different tissues and organs throughout an individual’s lifespan. Stem cells are fundamental to the development of all tissues and organs in the human body and are crucial for the ongoing regeneration of cells in tissues like skin, blood, and mucous membranes. Stem cells has significant utility in the field of regenerative medicine and hold immense promise for the treatment of diseases, tissue regeneration, and scientific investigation owing to their capacity to undergo differentiation into diverse specialized cells.   The significance of stem cells in the body lies in their capacity to sustain the well-being and operational efficiency of tissues and organs over the course of an individual’s lifetime. They have the responsibility of perpetually renewing cells, repairing damaged tissues, and regenerating organs following injuries or diseases. Stem cells are crucial for both the growth and development of embryos, as well as for maintaining tissue health and adapting to environmental changes. An in-depth comprehension of the mechanisms that regulate stem cells is necessary for the development of advanced medical treatments, the management of degenerative diseases, and the enhancement of quality of life. Stem cells play a crucial role in the process of regeneration, serving as the primary agents responsible for repairing and sustaining the organism across its lifespan.   Stem cell optimization is an expanding area of medical investigation with significant potential for regenerative medicine and overall health improvement. Stem cells play a crucial role in the process of tissue regeneration, repairing damaged organs, and maintaining overall health due to their exceptional capacity to differentiate into different cell types throughout the body.   Here are ten ways to maximize the effectiveness of your stem cells:   1. A Balanced Diet Supporting the health of your stem cells requires a healthy and balanced diet. Foods such as fruits, vegetables which are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, promote a cellular environment conducive to regeneration.   2. Calorie restriction Studies have shown that moderate calorie restriction can stimulate stem cell regeneration.  It promotes autophagy, a cellular cleansing process that can strengthen stem cells, and reduce oxidative stress.  It is important to eat nutrient-rich foods to be sure to meet all your daily needs.  Adding a spoonful of spirulina to your meals, adding green powder superfoods, and adding a multivitamin can be good strategies to meet these needs.   3. Regular exercice Exercise promotes stem cell regeneration by increasing the production of growth factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).  Blood circulation is also improved by exercise, which can help in the spread of stem cells throughout the body.   4. Intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting, which consists of alternating periods of fasting and meals, has the potential to activate autophagy and promote stem cell regeneration.   5. Quality sleep Cell regeneration, including stem cell proliferation, depends on sleep. Your body can repair and regenerate effectively thanks to restorative sleep.   6. Stress Management Continuous stress can damage stem cells. Meditation, yoga and other stress management strategies can help create a stem cell-friendly environment.   7. Hydration Adequate hydration is necessary for all cells, including stem cells to function properly. Make sure to be hydrated throughout the day.  Usually 1 to 2 L of water per day. 8. Avoid toxins Avoiding environmental toxins such as toxic chemicals, smoking and over-exposure to radiation is important in preventing cell damage that could affect stem cells.   9. Targeted supplementation The ability of certain supplements, such as green tea, turmeric and resveratrol, to support stem cell regeneration has been studied.  Resveratrol preserves cartilage and promotes the differentiation and proliferation of stem cells, according to many studies. In addition, resveratrol helps to regulate blood sugar levels.  Although it is practically impossible to get enough resveratrol through diet alone, especially if you have already experienced loss or deterioration of cartilage, you can get it from healthy foods such as blueberries and red nuts and other fruits and vegetables.   10. Specialized therapies In some cases, specialized therapies may be considered to maximize the effectiveness of stem cells. This includes stem cell therapy or you can extract the stem cells from your present self and reintegrate them into your body tomorrow.   Optimum Health Coaching You can now make an online appointment with me to optimize every level of your health, from stress management to your sleep and diet.  Check out the OPTIMUM health program section or make an appointment online directly.   We are happy to help you in your quest for optimal well-being. Janeck Olczyk D.O., Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health www.OptimumOsteo.com Montréal

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Carbon C60 carbone fullerene molecule

ELIXIR OF LIFE: Water soluble Carbon C60 for longevity

ELIXIR OF LIFE: Water soluble Carbon C60 for longevity   Get 10% off by using the code OPTIMUMOSTEO for the best C60, available on the SLICKC60 website     Water Soluble Carbon 60: What are fullerenes   Fullerenes are hollow molecules; they are made up of five and six membered carbon rings.  The pentagons of these molecules are surrounded by hexagons, thus obeying the « rule of isolated pentagons ».  With diamond and graphite, fullerenes are another allotropic form of carbon.  The main representative of fullerenes is the molecule C60 (full name Buckminsterfullerene, given in honor of the architect Fuller, who used quasi-spheroidal hemispheres for his buildings, which have the same structure as fullerenes).   Fullerene is practically insoluble in water, acetone, ethanol, tetrahydrofuran and other polar solvents.  For this reason, C60 is traditionally dissolved in olive oil or avocado oil as a supplement. The fact that fullerenes are hydrophobic makes it difficult to study their physiological and pharmacological properties.  The introduction of a varied number of functional groups into the fullerene molecule, including hydrophilic groups, results in an increase in the solubility of new polar solvent derivatives of fullerene, including water, which contributes to greater bioavailability. One of the most promising water-soluble fullerene derivatives from the perspective of biomedical applications are fullerenols (hydroxylated fullerenes).   The properties of water-soluble Carbon 60   The most important fundamental properties of fullerenols are their antioxidant activity, they are several times more effective than antioxidants widely used in medicine, such as vitamins C and E, and due to bioavailability, the effective dose is much lower.  One of the key factors in longevity is stopping the oxidation of the body’s systems.  Free radical oxidation that occurs naturally in the body causes a multitude of problems ranging from poor DNA replication to poor ATP production by mitochondria.  Antioxidant compounds are one way to block this progressive destructive mechanism in the body and C60 and fullerenols are at the top of the list.   Unlike fullerenes, fullerenols are water soluble, making them more promising than fullerenes for use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations. Once in a living organism, water-soluble C60 fullerene causes self-destruction of excess free radicals, particularly aggressive forms of oxygen (ROS) and oxidation products of biomolecules. On the other hand, it does not affect the minimum of free radicals, which is vital for the normal functioning of the body’s biological systems. In other words, it regulates their number and thus gives the body the possibility to mobilize its own protective functions to counter various diseases and slow down the aging process. Ava Naturals Water Soluble Carbon 60   There are a growing number of health supplements in the jungle and it can be difficult to navigate.  I believe that some products are essential to the maintenance of long term health and some of them are often missing in our diet, even varied and balanced, such as magnesium, iodine, and Vitamin b12.  Other supplements are important inputs to contribute to optimal health and vitality. C60 products are, in my opinion, one of those essential supplements for anyone who wants to optimize their health and Ava Naturals and Slick60 products seem to be some of the best quality on the market.  The problem with C60 supplements is that if the product is exposed to light and air for too long during manufacturing or storage, it results in a significant degradation of Carbon 60 and the presence of toxic compounds that are very damaging to health as revealed in the study here. It is therefore essential to ensure the source and quality of C60 and the one produced by Ava Naturals and SLICK60 is according to my research one of those who offers this guarantee. The method of synthesis of ELIXIR OF LIFE guarantees the absolute purity and stability of the final product. It is a powerful antiviral and antifungal tool.  As a « radical trap », it can neutralize more than 20 free radicals with a single molecule.  It is 100 times more effective than all other currently known antioxidants. Preliminary toxicity testing of fullerenol has revealed no adverse effects.   I am currently using it on a trial basis and I am noticing some increase in my energy level and mental acuity.  My focus seems to be increased and the colors even seem to be slightly more vivid. Let me know what you think in the commentary if you try it.   You can use my code to get 10% off OPTIMUMOSTEO on all C60 carbon products available on the SLICK60 website   Carbon C60 fullerene ava naturals slickC60   You will find all the references of this article and the studies in my other blog on fullerenes and C60     Janeck Olczyk D.O., Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health www.OptimumOsteo.com Montréal  

ELIXIR OF LIFE: Water soluble Carbon C60 for longevity Read More »

immune system, système immunitaire, coronavirus, Covid-19, osteopathy, Ostéopathie, Santé, Health

Review on The Effectiveness Of NAC, Glutathione, And Nattokinase Against Sars-Cov-2 for prevention and treatment of Long Covid

Review on The Effectiveness Of NAC, Glutathione, And Nattokinase Against Sars-Cov-2 for prevention and treatment of Long Covid As we saw in my previous article on Dr. Zach Bush MD’s perspective, even though viruses generally carry information between different elements of the ecosystem, it is possible for the replication of a virus to get out of control. The Sars-cov-2 mechanisms that create the long covid, as well as the side effects following vaccinations, seem to stem from an inflammatory cascade linked to the spike protein.  This protein cascade is created by the replication of the virus and seems to also be created by the RNA messengers so that the cells become carriers of this inflammatory protein.  Inflammation seems to be systemic or to be insinuated in specific places like the heart or the brain. In addition to a classic protocol such as those indicated by the Canadian Alliance for Covid Care, studies have shown the effectiveness of three natural supplements to reverse the long Covid and prevent C19. These are NAC (N-Acetyl-cysteine), Glutathione and the enzyme nattokynase.   You can find the protocols on the following site (https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/).   Keep reading to learn more about these antiviral strategies SARS-CoV-2 Binding with Human Cellular Receptor Our bodies have evolved different barriers and defense strategies, making it nearly impossible for foreign particles to enter cells. In this evolution arm race, microorganisms, on the other hand, have also devised various strategies to bypass these checks and defense mechanisms. The viral spike protein (S protein) is said to be the one that usually interacts with and manipulates the host’s cellular receptor to enter and propagate within the cells. The human host receptor, in this case, is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Viral cell entry and infection begin with the binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to its cellular receptor ACE2. You can think of this viral protein as the “key” that fits in the « lock »-the receptor on the cell surface, leading to conformational changes in the cell membrane.   Disrupting Spike Protein Interaction with ACE2 Researchers are looking into ways to disturb these bipartite interactions to restrict the COVID-19 infection. In recent studies, reducing agents and bacterial kinases effectively inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection by degrading S protein. NattoKinase Degradation of S Protein Takashi Tanikawa and his colleagues found that traditional Japanese food, Natto, reduced COVID-19 infection in one such study. Basically, it is soybean fermented with a bacterium known as Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Natto contains an enzyme known as nattokinase. It is a powerful anticoagulant. Because of its blood-clotting properties, this safe enzyme has been used in various thrombolytic studies. In addition, recent studies have shown that NATTO extracts inhibit the infection of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1). Researchers have demonstrated that nattokinase, a serine protease, can degrade SARS-CoV-2 S protein. The degradation of S proteins by this enzyme is thought to inhibit the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into host cells. Disruption of Disulphide Bridge In another similar study, scientists investigated the receptor binding domain (RBD )of viral spike protein and its role in cell entry. RBD conformational dynamics are crucial for binding to the ACE2 receptor. A disulfide bridge that forms between cysteine (Cys) residues contributes to the stability of the structure of RBD. These bridges are essential for conformational flexibility and mediating virus-cell membrane fusion. Moreover, the disulfide bridge between Cys residues 480 and 488 in RBD facilitates binding with the ACE2 receptor by maintaining the right orientation and conformation. So, if you can disrupt this linkage at Cys-488, you can block the viral entry. Scientists have used thiol (-SH) reactive agents like N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and Glutathione (GSH) to suppress the ACE2-binding ability of several RBDs of different SARC-CoV-2 variants. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a derivative of the L-cysteine amino acid. Many FDA-approved drugs have NAC in their formulation. It is an antioxidant that benefits a wide range of health conditions, including cancer treatment and liver detoxification. As a thiol-reducing agent, NAC has been used in several studies to investigate gene expression, signaling pathways, and treating lung’s disease. Similar to NAC, Glutathione act as a potent antioxidant. It has three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamate. GSH is normally found in every human cell, but the liver has the highest concentration. Further, It plays an important role in detoxification. Both these thiol-reducing agents inhibit oxidation, thus preventing the disulfide bridge formation at Cys-488.   Such studies can open up new antiviral therapies to treat COVID-19 disease treatment, both for prevention and to treat long-term covid as well as side effects from the cells production of spike protein as a results of injectable mRNA code.   Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

Review on The Effectiveness Of NAC, Glutathione, And Nattokinase Against Sars-Cov-2 for prevention and treatment of Long Covid Read More »

green juice detox

My Weekly Detox Protocol

My weekly detox! I see two modes in general that lead to optimal health and longevity: building and toning, and detox mode.  Each week I enter a 24-hour detox mode that ends the next morning with a coffee enema, one of my favorite mornings of the week.  This allows me to activate my body’s detoxification process, bringing toxins into my digestive tract, and then eliminating them the next day.  Here’s how I do it, and right now, spring is just around the corner, the perfect time to stimulate your liver and get rid of the toxins accumulated during the winter.  The day before! I pick a day in the week, and it’s Monday for me, and I go on a liquid vegan diet throughout the day, with lots of greens, either in soups or fresh juices, colorful vegetables, a little bit of omega-3 rich seeds and very green superfoods. I make sure to include herbs that facilitate the extraction of toxins due to their alkaline power such as wheatgrass and a mixture of herbs and seaweeds, as well as compounds that bind to heavy metals, such as chlorella and zeolite clay.  I also include bitter herbs that stimulate the liver and increase detox. Here is what I consume in my day. – Fresh green or colored juices – Vegetable soups only – Hemp, flax or sesame seeds in smoothies – Wheat grass or barley powder – Spirulina, Chlorella, E3Live – Honey with spirulina. – Essential Amino Acids for extra protein. – Bitter Tincture for the liver, or in capsule, with Dandelion, Artichoke, Oregon Grape, etc. – Shilajit: mineral rich resin that also increases detox   In the evening, detoxifying plants In the evening, I take even more of these detoxifying herbs, but everyone obviously has a maximum detox threshold in order to reap the maximum benefit.  Some people cannot discharge toxins too quickly depending on the strength of their organs, the level of intoxication and their metabolism at the risk of having rather uncomfortable detox symptoms. My evening drink -Triphala, to accentuate the peristalsis and facilitate evacuation – Zeolite clay, which binds to heavy metals and other toxins thanks to its molecular design. – Sometimes a little bit of plants to balance the intestinal flora, like mimosa pedicosa, or black walnut. – A little more wheatgrass and chlorella for me!   Obviously, it’s a cozy, indoor evening where I take care of myself, take a sauna, a bath, certainly.  For some people it can be more difficult to find sleep, so it’s a matter of optimizing your routine for an optimal sleep, taking into account that it may be a little more uncomfortable as there will be more toxins circulating. And the next day, I empty the whole thing with an enema coffee well black and the effect after, for me is immediate and flagrant.  Mental clarity, energy and a clean feeling from within. I love this morning!   Happy spring to all of you!   Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

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8 acides aminés essentiels EAAs Essential Amino Acids

The 8 essential amino acids (EAAs) : one of my daily favorite supplement

The 8 essential amino acids EAAs Amino acids are the building blocks of our body.  The 8 essentials are the ones we need to get from food and through these proteins that we break down once in our body, we use the amino acids for all the systems in our body.  Amino acids are essential for muscles and bones, but also essential for the functioning of the immune system, the creation of neurotransmitters, the repair of the intestinal mucous membrane, the transport of oxygen and much more.  When we are deficient in protein, our body must select which system will use the available amino acids and it may be the immune system that suffers, or another.  It is therefore essential to have all the essential amino acids available on a daily basis. Do you have enough protein? Excellent health and sports specialists such as author and speaker Ben Greenfield recommends 0.55 to -0.8 grams of protein per pound of weight depending on age and exercise.  Above the age of 50-55 years, with the unfortunate process of loss of muscle mass, it is better to raise these figures to more towards 1g per pound, especially to gain muscle mass.  In cases of cancer, obviously, it’s a different story because we don’t want to introduce too much protein into the diet. Essential amino acids sold in supplements are a 99% assimilable source and a 5g serving is equivalent to 15g of protein if converted.  Obviously, prehistoric humans never used canned supplements, but I find the concept of being able to optimize daily protein intake by reducing one’s ecological footprint and not eating meat every meal interesting for those who want to eat paleo.  This is great for those who want to optimize their ketogenic or paleo diet to reverse inflammation in their body or to heal themselves from a chronic disease, as you can read in my article by clicking on it. A study was done with a mountain climber who walked for 30 days on the western border of China with the 8 essential amino acids as her only source of protein.  No loss of muscle mass, no injuries.  No injury.  Perfect assimilation.  Ideal energy carrier. To support fasting Essential amino acids are perfect for supporting a fast.  For a full day fast, or a chicken broth fast, or even a green juice fast, EAAs maintain the absence of mechanical processes in the digestion and allow the body to rest while having a support of energy, focus and raw material for body repair. I love to take them in the morning in my daily intermittent fasting, with a hot beverage containing coconut oil and MCT.  It keeps my body on a fasted keto state in the morning and gives a steady focus and energy to start the morning till noon. Or else I take it to recover from a workout, or before intense physical activity. If you want to try it, there are only a few companies on the market right now, most of them in the United States, and I use the essentiel amino acids from BodyHealth, a great brand I trust in.  You can use the code OPTIMUMOSTEO for 10% discount on all your orders.   Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

The 8 essential amino acids (EAAs) : one of my daily favorite supplement Read More »

5 imprtant factors disrupting our immune system

5 important factors that disrupt our immune system

A little reminder to get started. Viruses as messengers As the eminent American physician Zach Bush MD points out, viruses, which are not living organisms, are merely messengers of genetic information between different systems in an environment.  It is our ability to adapt to this information that may or may not be disrupted. And as Louis Pasteur mentioned on his deathbed about his theory on germs: Germs are nothing, it’s the immune system that counts, and Lavoisier was right.  Yet modern allopathic medicine mainly kept Louis Pasteur’s words on germs to develop his theorems and thus support the prevalence of industrial pharmacology, which quickly became the successful market of pharmaceutical companies thanks to diseases. 5 factors that disrupt our immune system The following factors are known to impair our ability to adapt to these messengers and lower our immune system.   1- Stress.  Fear. These two elements of a psycho-emotional nature are known to have a direct impact on the physical body and hinder its ability to build a quality immune system.  By keeping stress-related hormones high, fear and stress are to be avoided and must be replaced by higher emotions of a positive nature that bring a more harmonious cardiac coherence and maintain a more stable health. It is by sometimes cultivating the small details of life and by promoting healthy choices that we have the power to transform these emotions towards gratitude, sharing, love, etc.   2- Sugar. Simple and refined sugars are one of the most crucial elements to take out of the diet in order to maintain optimal health.  To be removed from the diet today, their disruptive effects are often underestimated and pave the way to the unbalancing of the immune system.  They are sometimes hidden in many processed foods.  It is important to promote an anti-inflammatory diet without sugars and with low glycemic variation on a daily basis and by conserving sugar for special occasions.  Visit my article on a paleo anti-inflammatory diet.  A diet of paleo or cyclic ketogenic style in which the body is maintained in « ketosis » until the evening when the body is replenished with certain quality carbohydrates.   3- Lack of sleep. A complete, deep and restorative sleep is essential to maintain daily health.  The body needs rest, especially in times of stress.  The relaxation of the nervous system and the repair of the cells, the deep cleansing, is done at rest, at night.  You can find a set of solutions to promote sleep by reading my article for a deep sleep.     4- Lack of exercise. Sitting all day long is probably one of the worst choices for human beings.  In addition to engaging the movement of muscles, fasciae and the skeletal and nervous system, physical activity circulates the lymph and disposes of cellular waste, activates the heart and breathing, promotes the secretion of neuropeptides favorable to the maintenance of health and happiness!  Always try to move every day, have a practice of movement and breathing such as sports, yoga, dance or martial arts.   5- Lack of sunlight and Vitamin D. Vitamin D is in fact a hormone that activates a large number of special genes to optimize the immune system as well as all the body’s systems.  Vitamin D is necessary for the maintenance of health and in the Nordic countries, unless you spend your time outdoors as indigenous people did, there is a strong chance that the body will lack vitamin D because of the angle of the rays in winter.  The FDA recommendations of 600-800 IU per day are far too low according to Doctor Joseph Mercola and 5000 IU per day can drastically optimize the immune system and the prevention of chronic diseases.   In these critical times, it is important to take the necessary actions to transform our daily life in order to optimize our body’s adaptation to our environment and its information messengers, viruses, as well as to prepare a resilient immune ground.  You can find even more info on the best tricks to boost the immune system here as well as my daily routine to optimize mine.  

5 important factors that disrupt our immune system Read More »

COVID-19 - Botanical compounds that help against Sars-cov-2 2Osteopath, Ostéopathe, Osteopathe, Montreal, Osteo, Osteopathe Montreal, Massage, Deep Tissue, Massothérapie, Osteopath Montreal, Osteopathe Plateau, Plateau, Osteopathy, Osteopathie, Janeck Olczyk

COVID-19 – Botanical compounds that help against Sars-cov-2

COVID-19 – Botanical compounds that help against Sars-cov-2 In my daily practice in Osteopathy in Montreal, I am sometimes asked how to help with the post-covid healing that some people seem to struggle with in order to regain their full health and respiratory capacity.  Not being a doctor, I can only refer them to official sources and one of them is the Institute of Functional Medicine. A few months ago, the Institute of Functional Medicine in the United States issued a list of compounds from medicinal plants that have been studied and would be particularly effective in countering the replication of the Covid-19 Virus in humans. This institute, for those who are not familiar with it, is the cutting edge of modern holistic medicine with a thorough and precise understanding of the systems of the human body in relation to its environment.  With approaches that combine accurate blood testing and screening and treatments that include diet, lifestyle, botanical supplements, manual therapy and certain medications when deemed necessary, functional medicine is becoming an increasingly common approach among experienced physicians, particularly in the United States because of its effectiveness and integrative approach. Their recommendations to fight covid-19 obviously list the hygiene measures recommended by official sources but also emphasize the optimization of lifestyle habits in order to bring the immune defenses to their full potential. The botanical compounds feeding the reflection on the fight against Covid-19 are based on studies and effectiveness against coronavirus strains such as Sars-cov-2.  These compounds called  »nutraceuticals » are defined as immuno-adjuvants, which allow to accelerate, prolong and increase the immune responses of specific antigens. We know that coronaviruses such as sars-cov-2 can be lethal to some individuals with their ability to stimulate an uncontrolled cascade of inflammatory cytokines, which can result in sometimes irreversible damage to the respiratory epithelium.  It is the activation of an inflammatory network called NLRP3 that sars-cov-2 can trigger in some individuals. Why some people more than others? To go further in these details, see my article on Zach Bush MD’s analysis of the pandemic and you will understand the mechanisms of action of virus replication related to the application of glyphosate pesticides, air pollution and interactions with certain medications. Several specific compounds have been shown to be effective in inhibiting the Mpro protease of covid-19, which is vital to virus replication.  Some of these are included in the list below. The following is a list of compounds from their Functional Medicine Institute website to support the body in limiting the inflammatory damage associated with covid-19 replication.  In order to validate the dosages, you can consult their website.  Most of the compounds cited have a much broader list of recognized and demonstrated beneficial effects on human health than the specificity described that accompanies them in this text.   QUERCETINE This compound, naturally present in apples and onions among others, has demonstrated its antiviral effectiveness against RNA and DNA viruses.  It has a role as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and signaling agent for post-viral healing. CURCUMINE Extracted from turmeric root, it modulates the NLRP3 inflammatory network and appears to specifically target the main sars-cov-2 protease by inhibiting its replication. EPIGALLOCATECHIN GALLATE (EGCG) The green tea extract also positively modulates the NLRP3 network and targets the Mpro protease and its replication.  Demonstrates its effectiveness in preventing influenza. N-ACETYL-CYSTINE(NAC) NAC increases the production of Glutathione, one of the body’s natural antioxidants, protecting against influenza. RESVERATROL This well known polyphenol modulates the NLRP3 network and has demonstrated in vitro activity against sea cov. VITAMIN D Activated Vitamin D, is a steroid hormone and a modulator of immune system activity reducing inflammatory cytokines and promoting macrophage function.  It increases the activity of anti-pathogenic peptides and there is evidence that Vitamin D supplementation can inhibit respiratory infections.  According to Dr. Jack Kruse, for most northern countries, it would appear that Vitamin D supplementation is necessary to provide adequate levels for the fall through spring seasons. 5000U per day seems to be the recommendation. MELATONIN Melatonin is a hormone naturally secreted by the body with adequate exposure to the sun and the absence of blue wave light from artificial lighting and screens at night.  It inhibits the NLRP3 network.  Supplementation is necessary in most cases. VITAMIN A Vitamin A is a critical macronutrient for vision, growth and development, as well as for the integrity of epithelia and mucous membranes.  It is anti-inflammatory and critical in its immune role in T cell production and cytokine production. SUREAU Elderberry has a history of being used in traditional preparations to fight viruses and studies confirm this.  Care must be taken in the selection of products containing elderberry and they must be prepared appropriately. PALMITOYLETHANOLAMIDE(PEA) PEA has anti-inflammatory activity linked with the body’s endocannabinoid system.  Found naturally in cocoa and E3LIVE blue algae, studies also demonstrate its potential to limit cytokine cascades and to control respiratory infections. VITAMIN C Vitamin C is well known to support various cellular functions related to the immune system and prevent respiratory infections.  The doses here are more in the range of 1-3 grams per day. ZINC Zinc is often overlooked as an essential mineral for supporting innate and adaptive immune functions and zinc deficiency is common.  Research demonstrates the effectiveness of zinc against respiratory infections and treating viral infections.  Zinc lozenges are becoming increasingly common to fight these infections.  Here again, the doses are particularly high in the 30-60mg daily.     Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

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Protocol Optimum: The complete guide to protect yourself from Electromagnetic Fields and 5G 3Osteopath, Ostéopathe, Osteopathe, Montreal, Osteo, Osteopathe Montreal, Massage, Deep Tissue, Massothérapie, Osteopath Montreal, Osteopathe Plateau, Plateau, Osteopathy, Osteopathie, Janeck Olczyk

Protocol Optimum: The complete guide to protect yourself from Electromagnetic Fields and 5G

Over the last hundred years or so, we have entered a new era in which for the first time, humans, as well as all living organisms, have to adapt to technologically generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs). These electromagnetic fields generate an invisible pollution, an electrosmog, which greatly affects human biology as you can read in the first part of the book at your disposal in this article on the impacts of EMFs on health.  More and more modern chronic diseases could be influenced by EMFs in the surrounding urban environment.  The advent of 5G technology is creating a global uprising and experts and scientists from around the world are calling for a moratorium on its implementation because the health dangers it represents are real. Nevertheless, 5G has begun and it is time to find solutions on a human scale in order to mitigate its health impacts. You will find in this 50 pages virtual book all the practical information you need to adapt your lifestyle and the biology of your body to buffer the impacts of EMFs and 5G. It is the most comprehensive guide you will find to date with proactive strategies other than putting your phone on airplane mode and living in the forest.  It is a comprehensive protocol for reducing the negative impacts of unnatural EMFs by adapting your lifestyle, using technological tools, adapting your diet and lifestyle, and incorporating supplements and plants that can help counter biological damage. An essential asset for the urban life of 2020. Add this ebook to your cart and the download will automaticaly starts after the payment through paypal. See the protocol by clicking here. View all Protocols here   Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe – Santé Holistique Osteopath – Holistic Health OptimumOsteo Montréal

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Technologie Qi Synergy Science

Protect yourself from EMFs and 5G with Qi technology from Synergy Science

An excerpt from my ebook on the protection of electromagnetic fields created by humans.   EMFs (electromagnetic fields) greatly disrupt the functioning of human biology as you could read in my first article on the subject here.  There are many ways to adapt our biology to limit the damage in our body due to free radicals that damage our cells and DNA, increase inflammation and decrease the immune system.  There are also technological means to physically protect from EMFs, wifis, and 3G, 4G and also 5G technologies.  Here is one of the main ones that is still little known.  In the coming years, it will probably become a keystone for urban environments.  You will be able to get it now by visiting Synergy Science’s website and place the code OPTIMUMOSTEO for 10% discount on their entire site.   The torus of Qi technology from Synergy Science If there was only one technology module to place in your home, it would be this one. Imagine a protective bubble that would block EMF waves and create a sanctuary of rest for you and your family. This is what the creators of Qi technology are proposing. And after receiving and testing their product, I unequivocally confirm that it is the best tool you can have at home for EMFs protection. They designed a copper coil technology module that generates charged particle exchanges between water tubes and generates a torus of free electrons that greatly reduces the impact of EMFs, and this includes 5G. While for some, these terms may remain in the realm of esotericism, the technology is solidly proven by double-blind scientific studies and third-party seals of approval for the efficacy of their products. Over a phone conversation, they told me that they are currently in the process of producing a study on the efficacy of their technology against the 42 Ghz wavelength included in 5G with preliminary results that are conclusive and positive. The Qi technology, as they call it, actually produces a torus around the copper module that creates a protective area filled with free electrons. Remember that free electrons coming from the ground are e xceptional to mitigate the body’s inflammation and feed the mitochondria and allowing the ‘’grounding’’ effect to occur. These free electrons suspended in the environment of the torus depolarize the waves arriving from the outside to allow only a smaller proportion of them to penetrate, still allowing cellular devices, laptops etc. to function. Studies have shown, for example, that a wound that takes 24 hours to heal in an environment without wifi only heals at 10% of its capacity in the same period with wifi present. With Qi technology, inside the torus, it healed at 90% in the same period, almost as much as without the presence of EMFs. The negative impacts on health would therefore go from 90% to only 10% inside the protective torus. While two independent series of tests on Qi technology seem to prove the effectiveness of their products, there is still some ambiguity over the residual wave once it has passed through the free electron field. Designers also keep secret the passive functioning of their module in order to generate the electron torus. It is the depolarization of the EMF wave passing through the free electron field that becomes inert for human biology, they assure. A phenomenon in itself that would really make sense because, as we mentioned, it is the polarization of the wave containing the information and traveling from point A to point B that creates the damage when it encounters living cells. According to one of the independent studies, there would be a decrease of 30 to 70% in the intensity (in V/m2) of the wave depending on the module used. As promoted by the company, devices such as tablets and cell phones would work inside the torus. However, the designers do not mention how it is possible that the depolarized wave could still travel to a device and return to the outside of the torus. The second blinded placebo study takes into account the data collected from about 30 participants and shows a marked improvement in Heart variability and Skin conduction data, and concludes the experimental effectiveness of the Qi Shield module to protect humans with a wifi placed next to it. I honestly believe that this technology will be used on a larger scale in the near future. When we are in the same situation for too long, there is a form of habituation to certain conditions and forgetting about other possibilities. Living in an environment polluted with EMFs, we forget how restless our minds, bodies and cells are in reaction to the constant EMFs that bombard us and accentuate the aging and degradation of the body. By using the torus presented by SynergyScience, an inner calm is established. The focus becomes more sustained, the body relaxes. The feverishness that can be associated with anxiety or background stress is reduced. The heart is lighter and the sleep is deep. This is my experience. The company claims that there are some of remarquable benefits of the technology • Energizing the water Each Qi-Home cell contains patented liquid vials that contain all visible light frequencies. Although no natural water has 100% of the visible frequencies, people seek for the best « healing waters » on the planet that have only 80% of these frequencies. The Qi-Home will change any water in the torus field to give it properties like the « healing waters » of the earth. Studies show that the water in the vicinity of Qi devices will increase to -100mV by receiving electrons from the Qi Technology. This gives the water antioxidant properties. • Reducing the impact of radiation Qi technology protects against harmful radiation, including that caused by cell phones (including 5G), electrical wiring in the home and electromagnetic smog. • Improves air quality The air contains water. Water molecules are positively influenced and improved by Qi technology and, as a result, air quality is improved. •

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saving the earth of the covid-19 pandemic

Elucidate the Covid-19 Pandemic with Zach Bush MD

  To understand the reality behind the pandemic, we need to listen to and understand the American physician Zach Bush MD, who is bridging several disciplines to elucidate the Covid-19 pandemic.  This eminent physician is recognized by his peers in functional medicine as an « Einstein of medicine » and is one of the few to be three times « Board certified » in the world.  Zach Bush links the importance of biodiversity on earth and our microbiome with soil depletion, agriculture and the dramatic increase in toxins generated by human activity.  He points out how the use of glyphosates in pesticides used in particular on conventional and GMO crops is a virulent disruptor of population health and the rising incidence of chronic diseases is clearly linked since their emergence between 1976 and 1980. The following is a summary of his analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic that highlights the importance of viruses and the complete aberration of the medical system’s response in its management and understanding of the pandemic. What is a virus There are 1031 viruses in the air and again this number in the water and again this unimaginable number in the soil.  That’s more than all the stars in the universe.  We know that there are at least 3 times more bacteria in our microbiome, that is, in the digestive tract and on our skin, than there are cells in our own body.  But there are even more viruses in and on us. It is important to understand that a virus does not fit the definition of a living organism.  It cannot reproduce on its own, does not produce energy, has no metabolism as such.  A virus is a messenger of information, genetic information.  Viruses have been present on the planet for more than 3 billion years and allow the exchange of genetic information between the cells of the same organism and between the different organisms of an ecosystem and of a planet. Some viruses are created by our own cells.  These are called exosomes, vesicles secreted by our cells sometimes in response to exogenous toxic damage or stress to alert other cells in the body. Viruses create proteins and these can be regulated by our system or can become an attack on our immune system when they get out of control.  In fact, the immune system reacts to these proteins and not to the virus itself. The body has the ability to normally regulate the replication of viruses and their proteins within us through certain enzymes in order to receive the genetic information that viruses carry and to be able to make an upgrade, such as an « update » of a computer program. For example, by analyzing blood banks dating back to the 1960s, it was discovered that the AIDS virus was already present in North America, but it was well managed by the population, i.e., it did not create any symptoms. The point is that the body can adapt and manage the genetic codes that viruses share as messengers on the planet.   Understanding the Pandemic The coronavirus of the current pandemic has a very specific link to Ace-2 receptors in the lungs.  This is critical to understanding why some people are at greater risk of developing virulent symptoms in the presence of this coronavirus. Air pollution Polluting emissions from human technology suspend particles known as PM2.5, less than 2.5 microns, which are particularly dangerous to health.  Some of these include a family of cyanide toxins that bind affinity with Ace-2 receptors in the lungs. The coronavirus binds to these particles and together they overload the receptors. Let’s take a look at the rest to understand Glyphosates Glyphosates present in the air, water, food and soil are a range of toxins that are disruptive to the human body.  As undesirable weeds in monocultures become more and more resistant, the doses of Round up and other pesticides are increasing and companies are adding even more toxic products to manage soybean, corn, wheat, etc. crops. Glyphosates in the body prevent the production of certain proteins by inhibiting specific enzyme chains such as Shikimate.  This inhibition prevents the activation of a specific gene that allows the control and adaptation to viruses in general. The use of glyphosates began between the years 1976 and 1980 and since then, the incidence of chronic disease, allergies, autoimmune diseases has only increased.  The AIDS virus began producing symptoms in the 1980s when it was already present in the population long before without any problems. In 1992, the year the United States began spraying wheat monocultures with Round-Up, there was a resurgence of symptoms related to the Hepatitis C virus. The epicentres of the Covid-19 Pandemic were in China in the places where the most glyphosates were sprayed and where air pollution was the highest in all of China.  As was northern Italy, the region with the highest air pollution and where glyphosates are used to prevent adaptation to the virus. Let’s look at other factors to explain the symptoms in older populations with a medical history. Age With age, there is an increase in Ace-2 receptors in the lungs, which allows for the uptake of even more coronavirus and more PM2.5 cyanide. Medication Of the entire population, the people who had the most complications with coronavirus were mainly those with a history of heart disease, kidney problems and diabetes.  Why is this?  They share two common classes of medications.  Statins and cholesterol-lowering drugs, both of which have the side effect of increasing Ace-2 receptors. We’re beginning to understand more clearly what’s going on. Influenza vaccine In addition, studies have just shown that people who have received the influenza vaccine are more likely to develop coronavirus symptoms.  In fact, integrating the genetic information of influenza viruses makes it possible to better assimilate other coronaviruses.  To assimilate the genetic information and to have, as they say, « immunity ». Pandemic cocktail So an older person, exposed to air pollutants, with a medical history and taking specific medication and exposed to

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Garlic for boosting the immune system ail pour renforcer le système immunitaire

My daily routine for boosting the immune system

My daily routine for boosting the immune system   So, I’m an osteopath, here in Montréal, stuck in quarantine like almost everyone.  Here is my daily routine in these uncertain times of quarantine to strengthen my immune system hoping that it can inspire you! Between supplements, exercises, breathworks and sauna sessions, you will probably be able to adapt most of them for you. It’s the morning, after a full night of sleep, I wake up refreshed. I fast in the morning in general until 10am or until 12h which gives me a 16h of fast, ideal for getting entering a little in ketosis and increasing the cell repair time of my body  Morning hydration: I drink 1L of water with chlorophyll because water assimilates in the large intestine and it’s always better on an empty stomach I add 3-4 drops of antibacterial and anti-viral oregano oil in a sip   I swallow a 1000mg Propolis capsule with all these 300 immunomodulatory substances I am adding a Vitamin D 5000U supplement because it is vital and in current times, I doubt that my exposure to the sun is sufficient. Some Magnesium 800mg during the day or in the evening because our soils lack it and it is necessary for the immune system. Iodine unless I’m near the sea, it detoxes my chlorine or fluorine absorption and nourishes my thyroid hormones.  I’m not relying on algae or sea products daily to be sure to get it. Without forgetting 500mg vitamin C once or twice, affordable antioxidant to prevent pathogens.   I prepare a hot drink of a mix of 5 mushrooms with immunomodulatory properties before my daily meditation session and pranayamas. Reishi, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail and Chaga in the drink that I have been drinking in the morning for several years because I like the earthy and woody taste of this comforting drink but I admit that it is very appropriate in these times. Time for meditation and pranayamas, relaxing the system, entering in more presence and awareness and stimulating it with some breathwork Wim Hof style. Retention lungs full and  lungs empty, I love where it takes me and moreover, it seems that it helps the immune system according to studies carried out on Wim Hof. I mix it all with other type of Breathworks. Gratitude session, with or without newspaper, sometimes just included in the day before meals. It puts me in tune inside of me and I feel good. Just thank me for what I have, what is there … simple.  Gratitude and positive emotions are proven to enhance the immune system as you can read here in this blog on gratitude. I take a shower, now or after exercising and I always end it with the coldest water that my tap can offer. I alternate 10 seconds cold and 10 seconds hot for 4-5 times. Exposure to cold like that stimulates my whole body and I love the effect when I go out! By staying in intermittent fasting, I ingest some amino acids, the 8 essentials, which keep me fasting but provide me with the equivalent of 15-25 grams of highly assimilable protein. The powder version assimilates in a short time and I feel it in my body. Otherwise I love tablets too.   First meal, rather a green smoothie or smoothie with bone broth and chicken broth protein, no fruit, no sugar. A little pollen on top, coconut fat and coconut flakes. Some cocoa chips sometimes for texture and taste. Stable blood sugar. As for my next meal, fat, vegetables and protein where I keep slow carbohydrates for my evening meal and thus practice an intermittent ketosis diet. You can know more about intermittent paleo or keto diet here.  No simple sugar if it’s just for honey with antibacterial properties. Besides, the one I have is Neem honey in addition, ok not very local, but neem is an antibacterial and antiviral plant too. With one of my meals, I make sure to include an excellent kim-chi, or an unpasteurized sauerkraut, or a little miso or any fermented product to ingest good bacteria for my digestive tract. I’m making an excellent vegan yogurt these days with a yogurt maker and super potent probiotics so I eat it every day. Otherwise, I would take one capsule of a good 50 billion probiotic once in a while.   During the day, a few varied exercise sessions like a few high intensity interval outdoor sprints, or a tabata series which takes 4 min to do, or an Ashtanga Yoga session or with weights. It opens the circulation, makes my heart pump, replaces the neurotransamitters and I just feel so good! Water, more water to hydrate myself   During the day, I take the time to connect with my family or to call friends to share how I feel, to express what I am living, to get news and to have the feeling of connecting and being surrounded in community. Sometimes we can laugh and all this human warmth even over the phone makes me feel good. I will do it intuitively but they say it’s good for the body!   Evening is coming, I have moved, taken my supplements, eat quality organic food, been in cold water, take a deep breath and I am getting ready for my evening sauna. I am fortunate to have an infrared sauna that I take religiously listening often to frogs sounds that form some natural binaural rhythms texture. After getting out and taking one last cold shower, I melt in my bed. For sleep, a few drops of CBD 1000 mg with its thousand properties to maximize deep sleep and a little melatonin because in town, my production is not natural with all the exposure to the blue spectrum of light and thus helps me to increase my REM sleep and my dreams.  You can learn more about how to optimize your sleep here. Sleep is deep and restful and leads to

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immune system, système immunitaire, coronavirus, Covid-19, osteopathy, Ostéopathie, Santé, Health

Optimizing your immune system

Optimizing your immune system We are all living in this humanitarian crisis. Obviously, as with any damage to our health, some will be more affected than others and some better prepared. The strength of our immune system can have a positive impact in order to counter the reproduction of a virus in our body. I am sometimes asked here in Montreal if osteopathic care can help the immune system? We will see some possible applications while taking into account that any form of bodily tension and damage to health reduces the protective efficiency of the organism because they require an amount of energy or ATP to maintain them. Osteopathy is always a great way to optimize all of the body’s systems. Repairing the digestive tract and relaxing the organs is particularly important since the immune system is affected by a deterioration of the intestinal membrane and a good osteopath can prevent a deterioration in health. I recently listened to a podcast by Dr. Matt Cook, a specialist in infections and immune system in California who offers avant-garde treatments to treat Lyme disease and various serious health problems, among others. I’ve included in this text some relevant information from his speech. How does the immune system work? In fact, the immune system is divided into two, an innate system and an adaptive system. The first is the response to a viral infection or antigen that makes you feel sick. The fever and the various associated symptoms which generally last between 7 and 10 days are the consequences of the innate immune system which defends itself with its different cells and inflammatory responses to take over the invaders. Then the adaptive immune system keeps in memory specific proteins of this viral or bacterial attack and the next contact with this attacker is entirely taken care of by the adaptive system and we have no symptoms of disease. The response of the first immune system, by the response of the fighting cells, is crucial for healing and the presence of fever is in itself a sign of healing and not a sign of disease which must be suppressed with drugs according to Dr. Thomas Cowan , an expert in immunology. It is good to consider that 60% of the immune system, IS, seems to find itself at the border of the digestive tract. So the microbiome and the integrity of the digestive tract is essential in order to prepare a solid foundation for the IS. Adding bone broths and colostrum with their glycosaminoglycans and a whole arsenal of molecules essential to the functioning of the SI seems to be an excellent asset in order to maintain the integrity of the intestinal wall and strengthen the IS. The repair of the digestive tract in itself is a whole subject that would come in a future blog. How does a virus reproduce? A bacteria is said to be invisible to the human eye. If the bacteria had eyes, a virus would be invisible to them. These more than tiny organisms seek to survive inside a host, an animal cell, and hack into DNA transcription mechanisms so that the cell can reproduce their own. Thus viruses can multiply and transfer to neighboring cells. When a cell, or a set of cells, is hit, the immune system sets in motion and sends its fighting cells to the scene to stop the invasion. Edema is created, through the dilation of the arteries, and the ground becomes the site of inflammation. A variety of molecules are secreted to carry out this process and some are pro-inflammatory like cytokines nf-kappa-b (nuclear factor kappa B) and Tnf and some are anti-inflammatory like Nrf-2 which decrease the inflammatory response when the area is under control. However, when the inflammation gets out of control, there is what is called a cytokines storm, when these pro-inflammatory molecules are constantly secreted and perpetuate the general inflammatory. This was the case during the Spanish flu of 1918, which in this particular case rather affected children and young adults, perhaps because older people had passed through the epidemic of the Russian flu to the late 19th century. There was a chain reaction of cytokine production which led to excessive inflammation and possibly dramatic consequences in the lungs, sometimes leading to death from sepsis as well. The same is true for Corona Virus, according to Dr. Matt Cook. The epithelial cells of the lungs, the surface cells, are affected and go into apoptosis, or cell death, which creates even more inflammation. There is edema and less exchange with the outside and therefore less oxygen in the blood and possibly, sepsis and death for some. Boosting the immune system We will see several tips tactics  to stimulate and optimize the immune system. You are also invited to do more research to deepen these means and be able to apply them healthily. 1. Stimulate the lymphatic system The lymphatic system involves a circuit of fluids which circulate thanks to the movement of the body and under the action of muscles and joints. These fluids carry back waste and serve as transport for the immune system. Without movement, there is stagnation and therefore a possibility of developing various symptoms linked to the accumulation of toxins and cellular waste.  Jump, bounce, move and exercise 10 minutes a day, you can jump and bounce, shake the body, dance and engage in physical exercise daily.  Massage Massage has been known for millennia to circulate the lymph. A Deep Tissue massage will seek therapeutic relaxation while activating the lymphatic system. However, if you are already with symptoms of low immunity or fighting a viral attack, refrain from massage or Deep Tissue which will put more toxins in circulation in the body.  Osteopathy Osteopathy is a great way to release internal tensions that block the path of the lymph in order to accentuate the cleaning of cellular waste. A good osteopath will create more mobility in the thoracic frame where several important lymph nodes are

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sleep, optimise you sleep, optimiser son sommeil, osteopathie, deep sleep


  OPTIMIZING YOUR SLEEP In this blog, we will discuss the main factors that promotes a good night of sleep, essential to both the body and also to an optimal neurogenesis. The system glymphatic, in reference to glial cells the representatives of the immune system in the brain, ten times in numbers compare to the neurons, organizes the cleaning process of the brain during sleep and allows the evacuation of wastes and toxins in the blood circulation. During the sleep: – The muscles are repaired – The organs are repaired – Is the consolidation of the memory – The immune system is strengthened – the brain discharges its wastes and toxins – Neurogenesis is increased – Decreases the presence of stress hormones in the body   When the quantities of sleep or the quality of sleep are not met: – The cognitive functions are decreasing – The memory is less good – The stress hormones are not evacuated – Immunity is decreased – Anxiety and depression increases – Neurogenesis is slowed.   In order to promote a restful sleep, here are the essentials to adopt in your habits of life and your ritual before bed. A routine Develop a routine, a ritual, which causes the body and the mind to prepare for sleep. As for the children, the adults respond favorably to a routine. Examples are reading, a bath, light candles, meditate, do restorative yoga, all these possibility that brings the nervous system in a state of appeasement and favorable to sleep. Screen Avoid the stimulations of movies and the screen of the computer and telephone in general 1h to 2h before sleep. The light projected in the eyes is stimulating for the body and if in addition the emotions conveyed generate a stressful response in the body, it just gets harder to fall asleep.  Some people always being more sensitive than others. Lighting 1h before sleep, lower the lighting ambiance to mimic the natural conditions with the arrival of the night, the body being very sensitive to these stimuli. The candles are a perfect lighting for the preparation for the sleep. Sugar and fluids Avoid simple sugars before sleep as well as the excess fluid, this promotes a deep and restorative sleep. The last meal Notice that the quality of sleep immediately after a heavy meal is impaired, generally less deep. It is favorable to avoid food after 19h in the evening, in an ideal scenario.  An ayurvedic saying is that ‘’After 7pm, food is poison.’’ Caffeine and stimulants Some people take a lot of time before eliminating the caffeine of their system. As well, if you are having difficulties falling asleep, ask your habits of coffee, tea and cocoa, as well as any form of stimulants, in the afternoon and in the evening. Avoiding caffeine the whole day can be beneficial. Alcohol The alcohol initiates usually in first a state conducive to sleep but prevents the steps of deep sleep, necessary for the repair of the brain and the body in general. Total darkness The production of melatonin in the brain is greatly favored in maximum darkness. Thus, avoid light sources in the bedroom, from the dials or the phone and place the ‘’blackout’’ curtains in order to cut the traces of light from the street in cities if you are not in the countryside.  You will generally notice a deeper sleep in the dark. Electromagnetic fields it is favorable to keep the more possible the head, 1 m minimum, away from sources of electromagnetic fields from electrical appliances, dials, or radios, but also away from the wall outlets, generating a disturbance at the level electromagnetic means. Electricity and EMF Observe the difference during a power failure, and observe the deep silence installed. The difference is particularly striking in the urban areas. It is possible to cut off the electric current in the parts of the house or apartment where you sleep, thus fostering a climate more natural and less loaded in abnormal electrical waves for your brain. Nature Nothing is worth the depth of a sleep in full nature, surrounded with forest, far from the wifi waves and the electromagnetic pollution of cities. Adopt sleeping as much as you can  in nature, camping or at least in remote locations in order to enjoy the pleasure of a deep sleep. Earthing In order to reproduce the effect of the direct contact of the skin with the earth, which allows free electrons located in the soil to spread in the body and to have an extremely positive impact on the whole body and mind, there is a system designed in California called earthing. With the assistance of a conductor material and a connection in the round socket of our wall outlets, the ground, the flow of electrons can reach up to us. The effects are the following: – deeper sleep, and more regenerative (cyclists of the Tour de France have used this technology to recover more quickly). – Decrease of the mental restlessness, either for meditation or the focus of an activity, read, write. – Decrease of inflammation in the body. – Decrease of anxiety. For a complete list, refer to the book, Earthing. You can get the sheets of the earthing on the site www.earthingcanada.ca. Plants as allies The following plants, in ascending order of power in their sedative effect, will definitely help you to find an appeasement of your nervous system and promote your route to sleep. Always make sure you check the certain contraindications if you are taking medicinal plants. Each of these plants can be taken in herbal tea or supplement. – Ashwagandha – Chamomile – Valerian – Kava Kava (it may be more difficult to wake up the next day) (Not recommended for people suffering from depression) Stress and the emotions it would be impossible to avoid these key elements which influence sleep. Each has already noticed how periods of stress, the constant stress, and strong emotions, ranging from sadness and grief, anger,


CBD, anxiété, propriétés, properties, Cannabidiol, toxicity, supplement,


CBD AND ITS THOUSAND QUALITIES   It’s the boom. The boom after years of prohibition on the active components of cannabis. And the green goldrush that carries it. While the plant was already used for its Omega3 ALA and its complete source protein, now it is the psychoactive properties of THC and the extraordinary benefits of CBD that open their doors. Let’s leave aside THC, tetrahydrocannabinol and its psychoactive components that influence sensory perceptions to focus on CBD, one of the 100 and more cannabinoids found in cannabis, and its full range of highly medicinal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. The molecules of Cannabidiol, CBD, are extracted and concentrated to offer its virtues to the human body. The body is composed of receptors as well as chemical molecules naturally conceived in the endocannabinoid network, notably anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol, or 2-AG. Anandamide also comes from the Sanskrit term designating the state of bliss. These govern a system of homeostasis with internal changes and external stimuli, stress and stress response as well as the immune system[1]. There is an abundance throughout the human body of the two main receptors, CB1 (in the central nervous system) and CB2 (in the cells of the immune system and distributed around the periphery and in the digestive tract), and a failure of this network is associated with certain medical conditions including ADHD disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug dependence, obesity and depression.[2] According to the World Health Organization, CBD acts as an anti-agonist of the effects of THC on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, those to which THC attaches and which provide the euphoric but also addictive effects.  CBD rather acts on these receptors to encourage the endogenous production of anandamide.[3] CBD also influences a receptor belonging to the serotonin network, 5-HT1a, which has a reducing effect on general anxiety.[4] The first drug extracted from cannabis with CBD stood out to treat epilepsy remarkably and particularly two of its most cruel variations, Dravet syndrome and that of Lennox-Gastauf.[5] One of the distinguishing features of CBD is the lack of dependency on short or prolonged use.[6] CBD can give the same pain-reducing effects as some opioid medications without causing the classic addiction.[7] Not only has there been no death from a CBD in the scientific literature, unlike alcohol, tobacco and several pharmaceutical drugs, but most studies fail to demonstrate negative effects for the use of CBD. However, a recent study on mice with high doses of CBD, observed an increase in liver enzymes in a percentage of subjects, suggesting a slight toxic action on this organ, just like alcohol would do. On the other hand, another study demonstrates the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD and its positive effect on some liver-related symptoms.   A thousand virtues Let’s now look at the antioxidant, anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD. CORTISOL REDUCTION AND SLEEP One of the most interesting CBD effects is the protection of the nervous system against stress by acting on the hormonal HPA axis, linking the hypothalamus and the adrenals. CBD greatly reduces the level of cortisol in plasma and therefore it seems very useful for counteracting stress and promoting restful sleep when taken before bedtime.[8] ANXIETY CBD appears to have an anxiolytic effect by reducing the blood circulation of the limbic system parts associated with stress and anxiety, and increases cognition and motivation.[9] This study even demonstrates the benefit of CBD for those who have a stress of public speaking by making the experience more comfortable.[10] EFFECTS ON PARKINSON AND ALZHEIMER It seems to be becoming more and more common to use CBD to counteract Parkinson’s progress. Some interesting studies reveal the therapeutic potential of CBD on neurodegenerative diseases. CBD appears to have an anti-agonist action on GPR6 receptors which increases the production of dopamine and could positively affect Parkinson’s,[11] which is marked by a decrease of this neurotransmitter by basal ganglia and substancia nigra of the brain. This also seems to be the case for Huntington’s syndrome and tremor related diseases.[12] Among the most interesting results are those linked with Alzheimer’s, the disease that causes neuron death, affecting 35 million people and 7.7 million new cases are diagnosed each year.[13] The recognized high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD give it a prominent place in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.[14] Its effects promoting neurogenesis also appear to be acting in the role towards this disease.[15] ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Cannabidiol appears to be a potent anti-inflammatory agent since it induces the state of apoptosis (the programmed death of  » sick  » cells), the inhibition of cell proliferations, the suppression of cytokine production (marking the inflammatory process) and induction of T-regulatory cells. Cannabinoids, with their neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory actions, are an effective treatment to overcome the effects of multiple sclerosis.[16] CARDIOPROTECTIVE CBD could have cardioprotective effects. In rodent studies, CBD has a relaxing effect on the arteries and its anti-inflammatory side could protect against heart attacks and strokes.[17] CROHN AND THE INFLAMMATION OF THE DIGESTIVE TUBE The anti-inflammatory action of CBD is also transmitted to symptoms associated with the digestive tract such as Crohn’s disease, colitis, and any other form of inflammation of the tube.[18] Its action uses the endocannabinoid system of the body to decrease the inflammation of the tube, and in particular the interleukin-6 cells in the digestive tract, which is promising treatment for the irritable colon and associated diseases.[19] THE MICROBIOMA, THE TUBE AND THE GUT-BRAIN AXIS In addition, the endocannabinoid system is highly interacting with the intestinal flora. The bacteria appear to interact with the CB2 receptors of the digestive tract and the endocannabinoid network modulates the gut-brain axis by promoting the connection between the two, which positively affects the regulation of good bacteria.[20] NEUROGENESIS The action of CBD via another kind of receptor has been shown to fuel neurogenesis, i.e., the creation of new neurons, in the hippocampus region.[21] MITOCHONDRIA The molecule also seems to have effects on the increase of metabolism of mitochondria, these organelles within the cells that operate


healing blood brain barrier

Healing the blood brain barrier

THE BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER A very important biological function is the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), which unfortunately runs the risk of becoming permeable. This barrier acts as a filter in the blood which determines which molecules and substances will be able to cross it in order to penetrate into the brain. This barrier is semi-permeable in its natural state and sorts through the materials the brain needs such as glucose, amino acids, fat-soluble nutrients and ketones, and blocks the passage to toxic substances and pathogens. Like the intestinal wall, which can be permeable and whose tight junctions can open to admit undigested proteins and other substances, the brain wall runs the same danger. The integrity of this barrier can be compromised by a variety of factors; exposures to toxic products; chronic inflammation of the body; chronic stress; alcohol; and probably other factors still undetermined. The point is that once the barrier becomes permeable, the brain is vulnerable and an inflammatory cascade ensues that can have serious repercussions on optimal brain function.[1]  A slow and subtle decrease in brain function can begin as well as a feeling of daily mental fog, loss of concentration and memory loss and give way to chronic brain inflammation that can degrade into neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.[2] As the permeability of this barrier is often linked with a loss of integrity of the intestinal wall, it is often related to digestive problems. How is the blood-brain barrier constituted? The BBB is made up of three systems that regulate the entry of molecules between the blood and the blood system of the brain. The physical barrier between the blood and the brain, consisting of a single layer of endothelial cells lining the rim of the walls of the blood capillaries. Specific transporters between the blood and the brain An enzymatic barrier that contains neurotransmitters and enzymes that manage the toxins that come close to it. As the physical barrier containing only a single layer of cell, like the intestinal wall, it can be weakened and thus leave room for the entry of toxic molecules and undigested proteins instigating an inflammatory cascade in the brain by the glial cells. These are the cells of the immune system present between the neurons and are 10x more numerous than the latter. How is the BBB affected? One of the first causes that can affect the regulation of the barrier is lack of sleep or lack of restful sleep. A research team has demonstrated that REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phases in sleep cycles are directly related to the integrity of the barrier.[3] Chronic lack of sleep induces a cascade of problems with normal glucose use and can ease BBB degradation. Chronic inflammation, the evil of the century, linked to constant stress, junk food and environmental toxins is an agent that promotes the degradation of the BBB. Unfortunately, this so common condition seems to have tragic repercussions on the brain.[4] Chronic consumption of alcohol is also another cause studied.[5] The degradation of alcohol in its by-products, which gives this feeling of headache for those who have already consumed too much, creates in the end damage to our precious wall. Another very common factor is high blood pressure. Researchers have found a direct link between this state of tension in the arteries and the integrity of the BBB.[6] It appears that the permeability of the barrier also increases under the effect of certain pathogens.  It occurs also following concussions and also after the inflammation caused by a cerebral  stroke. In the latter case, the integrity of the barrier could be compromised more during the following hours and gradually until four or five weeks after the accident. It is interesting to note that hyperglycaemia following an ACV showed a worsening of the inflammatory effects and an increase in the degradation of the BBB.[7] It appears that the permeability of the barrier also increases under the effect of certain pathogens, following concussions and also after the inflammation caused by a stroke. In the latter case, the integrity of the barrier could be compromised more during the following hours and gradually until four or five weeks after the accident. It is interesting to note that hyperglycaemia following an ACV showed a worsening of the inflammatory effects and an increase in the degradation of the BBB. Although there seems to be little study on this subject that may seem obvious, heavy metals are also a cause of the degradation of the BBB. Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic and Mercury are all accused.[8] The last explored factor presents another piece of evidence that proves once again that glycemic stability seems to be a keystone of health. This study demonstrates that the glycemic variability associated with hyperglycemia causes damage to the integrity of the BBB, changes in the transport functions of the BBB for essential nutrients, and oxidative stress in the blood capillaries of the Central Nervous System.[9] It even advances the link between BBB degradation and Beta-Amyloid plaque protein transport between blood and CNS setting the stage for Alzheimer’s disease, now known as Type 3 Diabetes. In summary, here is what is involved in the degradation of the BBB Lack of sleep Stress and chronic inflammation Alcohol Heavy metals ACVs, Concussions and Head Traumas Certain pathogens Hyperglycemia or diabetes I and II   Testing the blood brain barrier The easiest test to see if the barrier is permeable or not according to the specialist in the field, the practitioner of functional medicine Datis Kharrazian N.D., D.C, is to take a capsule of the neurotransmitter GABA and observe if the sedative effects are felt. This molecule is usually too big to pass through a healthy brain wall and if the calming, relaxing and sedative effects of this capsule are felt, it indicates a deficient wall. He proposes to take 1000mg, on an empty stomach, around 6pm and see if the person feels tired, calm, relaxing. In the positive case, this would indicate an impaired BBB.  

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