Dr. William Davis’ vision of heart disease: defeating the real cause of coronary heart disease?

Dr. William Davis, cardiologist and author of the book Super Gut, has developed an out-of-the-box perspective on the causes and treatment of heart disease. His vision challenges many preconceived ideas in the field of cardiology, tainted by the influence of pharmaceutical companies, and proposes an alternative approach to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular problems. Here is a detailed summary of his main ideas:

1. The role of modern wheat and refined carbohydrates

According to Dr. Davis, one of the main factors contributing to heart disease is the excessive consumption of modern wheat and refined carbohydrates. He argues that:

Gluten free diet, healing heart disease, Dr William Davis. natural healing

The genetically modified wheat consumed today is significantly different from that consumed by our ancestors.
Modern wheat proteins, particularly gluten, can cause chronic inflammation in the body.
Refined carbohydrates, including those from wheat, cause rapid blood sugar spikes, leading to insulin overproduction.
This overproduction of insulin promotes fat storage, particularly visceral fat, which is strongly linked to heart disease.
Eliminating wheat and drastically reducing refined carbohydrates can, he believes, reverse many health problems, including heart disease.
Wheat contains opioid-related compounds and humans develop an addiction to it

2. Challenging the cholesterol hypothesis

Dr. Davis challenges the widely accepted idea that high cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease. His arguments include:

Cholesterol is an essential molecule for many bodily functions, including hormone production and brain health.
Measuring total cholesterol or even LDL-cholesterol is an imperfect indicator of cardiovascular risk.
The size and density of LDL particles are more important than their total number. Small, dense LDL particles are more dangerous than large ones.
A diet low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats can improve lipid profile by increasing LDL particle size and reducing triglycerides.
Excessive use of statins to reduce cholesterol can have harmful side effects and does not treat the underlying causes of heart disease.

3. The importance of inflammation

Dr. Davis emphasizes chronic inflammation as a key factor in the development of heart disease:

Chronic inflammation can damage arterial walls, initiating the process of atherosclerosis.
Pro-inflammatory foods, such as refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils rich in omega-6, canola, sunflower, palm and hydrogenated fats, contribute to this inflammation.
Inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, are more reliable indicators of cardiac risk than total cholesterol.
An anti-inflammatory diet, rich in healthy fats and low in refined carbohydrates, can reduce systemic inflammation.

4. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome

Dr. Davis considers insulin resistance to be a crucial factor in the development of heart disease:

Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates leads to chronic insulin overproduction.
Over time, cells become resistant to insulin, leading to chronic hyperglycemia.
Insulin resistance is associated with hypertension, abdominal obesity and an unfavorable lipid profile.
Metabolic syndrome, characterized by insulin resistance, is a major precursor of heart disease.
Reducing carbohydrates in the diet can improve insulin sensitivity and reverse metabolic syndrome.

5. The role of vitamin D

Dr. Davis emphasizes the importance of vitamin D in cardiovascular health:

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Vitamin D plays a role in regulating blood pressure, endothelial function and inflammation.
Sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation can benefit heart health.
He recommends regular testing of vitamin D levels and supplementation if necessary.

6. The impact of oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is another important factor in Dr. Davis’ vision:

The free radicals produced by oxidative stress can damage blood vessels and contribute to atherosclerosis.
A diet rich in natural antioxidants can help combat oxidative stress.
He recommends eating foods rich in polyphenols, vitamins C and E, and other antioxidants. Spirulina, Chlorella, E3Live and Methylene Blue are among the most powerful antioxidants.

7. The importance of exercise

Although Dr. Davis emphasizes diet, he also recognizes the importance of exercise:

Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and blood vessels.
It helps reduce insulin resistance and improve lipid profile.
Exercise contributes to weight management and stress reduction, two important factors for heart health.
Why not start by running either 4 x 4 min at 70% of your max or simply 8 x 10 sec at your max. Start with that.

8. Stress management

Dr. Davis recognizes the impact of chronic stress on cardiovascular health:

Chronic stress can increase inflammation and contribute to hypertension.
He recommends stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing.
Good quality sleep is also highlighted as important for heart health.
I would add to stress management the importance of experiencing all your emotions to the full.

9. Dr. Davis’ nutritional approach

The diet recommended by Dr. Davis to prevent and treat heart disease includes :

Complete elimination of wheat and drastic reduction of refined carbohydrates.
Increased consumption of healthy fats, including saturated fats from natural sources.
Increased consumption of non-starchy vegetables.
The inclusion of high-quality proteins, such as eggs, meat and fish.
Limiting fruit because of its sugar content.
Avoidance of vegetable oils rich in omega-6 and preference for olive oil, coconut oil and butter.

10. Criticism of conventional approaches

Dr. Davis is critical of many aspects of conventional cardiology:

He questions the efficacy and safety of statins for the primary prevention of heart disease.
He criticizes the emphasis on low-fat diets, arguing that they may actually increase cardiac risk.
He questions the usefulness of angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery in many cases, suggesting that these interventions do not treat the underlying causes.

11. Dr. Davis’ diagnostic approach

To assess cardiac risk, Dr. Davis recommends more comprehensive tests than standard blood tests:

LDL particle size analysis
Measurement of lipoprotein(a)
Assessment of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein
Coronary artery calcification test
Evaluation of thyroid function
Measurement of vitamin D levels

12. Treatment and prevention according to Dr. Davis

Dr. Davis’ approach to treating and preventing heart disease includes:

A radical change in diet, eliminating wheat and drastically reducing refined carbohydrates.
Increasing consumption of healthy fats and proteins.
Supplementation with specific nutrients, including vitamin D, omega-3s and magnesium.
Regular exercise, with an emphasis on interval training and strength training.
Stress management and improved sleep quality.
Reducing exposure to environmental toxins.

Dr. Davis’ vision emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to heart health, taking into account diet, exercise, stress management and other lifestyle factors. It also encourages critical reflection on conventional approaches and can stimulate new research in the field of preventive cardiology.

I might add the importance of releasing and expressing fully the emotions stored within and asking the system for contraction of the nervous system surrounding the organs, particularly the heart, in the prevention of heart disease.


For more information on this approach to emotional release, you can contact me for online coaching or see me at Osteopathy in Montreal on the Plateau Mont-royal. Looking forward to seeing you!


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Janeck Olczyk D.O.,

Ostéopathie – Santé Holistique

Osteopathy – Holistic Health




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