is an optimal Osteopathy service personalized for your needs here in Montreal
and offered by Janeck Olzyck in three different locations, serving Plateau Mont-Royal, Downtown and the Côte-des-neiges sector.
Les Protocoles OPTIMUM
sont maintenant en ligne pour vous guider et vous inspirer
dans votre démarche vers une santé optimale en prenant action sur votre quotidien et en adaptant votre style de vie avec des choix conscients et pratiques.
Are now online. Be guided and inspired
in your approach to optimal health by taking action on your daily life and by adapting your lifestyle with conscious and practical choices..
est un service d’Ostéopathie Optimale personnalisée pour vos besoins ici à Montréal.
et offert par Janeck Olczyk D.O., professeur de yoga thérapeutique, coach en Breathwork et libération émotionnelle.
is an optimal Osteopathy service personalized for your needs here in Montreal
and offered by Janeck Olczyk D.O.. Click on the link to book an appointment today!
Blogue santé
Un espace santé en ligne pour vous informer des dernières astuces
afin d’adapter votre style de vie, votre sommeil, votre longévité, votre alimentation optimale et bien plus encore pour que vous puissiez trouver votre santé optimale.
An online health blog
to inform you of the latest cutting-edge information and tips to adapt
your lifestyle, sleep, longevity, optimal diet and much more so that you can find your optimal well being.
Maintenant disponible
Prenez Rendez-Vous maintenant en ligne avec notre équipe OPTIMUMOSTEO. Des thérapeutes qualifiés en Ostéopathie, Massothérapie et Nutrition.
Un coaching en ligne pour optimiser votre bien-être, libérer vos émotions et créer la meilleure version de vous-même !
Réservez des séances de coaching en ligne avec Janeck Olczyk, Ostéopathe D.O., professeur de yoga thérapeutique, praticien en santé holistique, biohacker et coach en libération émotionnelle, venant de Montréal, Canada, pour vous retrouver votre pleine vitalité, créer des habitudes saines et vous donner tous les outils pour exprimer vos émotions de façon authentique et libératrice afin d’accéder à votre joie naturelle et trouver votre plein potentiel.
Online OPTIMUM Health Coaching
An online one on one coaching to optimize your health, free your emotions and create the best version of yourself!
Book your online coaching sessions with Janeck Olczyk, an Osteopath D.O., Yoga teacher, Holistic health practitioner, Biohacker and Emotional Release coach from Montréal, Canada, to bring you in touch with your inner healer, transform your habits, feel and express your unfelt emotions and unlock your full joy and potential.
Osteopathy and Deep Emotional Work
Janeck Olczyk D.O. offers Holistic Osteopathy sessions, including approaches to harmonize all levels, body, heart and mind. He is passionate about working on the connection between the mind, emotions and body. The deep bodywork he offers helps identify and facilitate the release of repressed unconscious emotions.
Sessions can be done while focussing solely on the physical aspect using osteopathic techniques to release tensions or they can be done while also addressing the underlying causes which are often rooted in unprocessed emotions. On the table, clients are quickly able to access and release emotions from past experiences and traumas that were so repressed that they created rigidity on a physical level. This release can open them up to more energy and emotional connection as well as improved physical well-being. He combines this unique approach in the world of osteopathy here in Montreal, on the Plateau, with lifestyle optimization, nutrition, breathwork and yoga.
Have you found the real cause of your pain?
Addressing the root cause is what will allow you to achieve stability in your body with lasting effect and long-term health.
At OptimumOsteo, we will go to the source and allow your body, mind and emotions to find deep relief that will bring focus and energy back to your day.
With a holistic combination of body, heart and mind, and with a complete vision of the link between the organs, the nervous system and the emotions, you will find an effective and profound approach to help the body release its tensions.
With a vast knowledge of the human body from his many years of study and constant research to stay on the cutting edge of modern discoveries in holistic health, Janeck Olczyk, invites you to receive an Optimum Osteopathy session, one of the best Osteopathic treatments in Montreal.
You will receive a very effective osteopathic session as well as support for your health in optimal nutrition and your lifestyle, contributing to your overall well being. From his experience as a Certified Yoga teacher, Janeck can also guide you to find suitable exercises and stretches to balance your body. His knowledge in modern Biohacking can align you with modern approaches to optimizing the human body, longevity and respond to your needs and questions with confidence.
Complete osteopathic sessions in Montreal that includes all levels of health.
emotional release
Feeling deeper into unfelt emotions and learn to express and releases them for a greater sense of wellbeing, inner peace and physical relaxation
Optimal Nutrition
And longevity protocols
Support and information on health choices and lifestyle
Therapeutic Yoga
and Breathwork
Therapeutic yoga and breathwork to accompany an osteopathic session.