If there was one nutrient to choose that has the most potential for the human brain optimisation, it might be this one. The PQQ was classified in 2003 as a B-vitamin and is such an essential nutrient that it was shown that when removed from the diet of young mammals, they presented impaired development[1]. It is more than that yet and now stands out at the pinnacle of anti-aging science. In addition to its beneficial anti-inflammatory properties as well as hepatoprotective and cardioprotective
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Avis légal: All information you read on this site does not constitute a form of diagnosis, treatment to follow, nutritional advice or proposal to heal but readings for information on these topics and syntheses information found on the internet, podcast, interviews and in books. I am not a medical doctor or nutritionist and you are invited to consult your doctor or any other qualified health practitioner if you wish to take nutritional or lifestyle steps for your health.