Recommended Products
Recommended Products
After more than 15 years of practice and experience, I have found the cutting-edge biohacking products and technologies that I use and recommend daily! Here they are, in several categories! Some of these products have an affiliate CODE, and if you buy them, I thank you for supporting the creation of this site! I guarantee that even if I have a code, if I promote them, it’s because they’re of great quality and really work! It’s true that some links take you to Amazon, and I agree that we do our best not to encourage this giant, but sometimes, for certain health products, I agree to buy there! Happy shopping!
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Earthing Bed Sheets
Earthing sheets are conductive fabrics designed to connect the human body to the Earth's natural…

Draps de Earthing (mise à terre)
Les draps de mise à la terre sont des tissus conducteurs conçus pour relier le…

Protocol Optimum – The complete guide to protect yourself from EMFs and 5G
Over the last hundred years or so, we have entered a new era in which…

Protocole Optimum – Le guide complet pour se protéger des CEMs et de la 5G
Depuis une centaine d’années, nous sommes dans une ère nouvelle où pour la première fois,…

Protocole Optimum pour la détox du foie
Énergie – Vitalité – Clarté d’esprit Besoin de plus d’énergie? Besoin de relâcher des tensions…

Optimum protocol for liver and body detox
Energy – Vitality – Clarity of mind Need more energy? Need to release tension in…
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