Over the last hundred years or so, we have entered a new era in which for the first time, humans, as well as all living organisms, have to adapt to technologically generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

These electromagnetic fields generate an invisible pollution, an electrosmog, which greatly affects human biology as you can read in the first part of the book at your disposal in this article on the impacts of EMFs on health.  More and more modern chronic diseases could be influenced by EMFs in the surrounding urban environment.  The advent of 5G technology is creating a global uprising and experts and scientists from around the world are calling for a moratorium on its implementation because the health dangers it represents are real.

Nevertheless, 5G has begun and it is time to find solutions on a human scale in order to mitigate its health impacts.

You will find in this 50 pages virtual book all the practical information you need to adapt your lifestyle and the biology of your body to buffer the impacts of EMFs and 5G.

It is the most comprehensive guide you will find to date with proactive strategies other than putting your phone on airplane mode and living in the forest.  It is a comprehensive protocol for reducing the negative impacts of unnatural EMFs by adapting your lifestyle, using technological tools, adapting your diet and lifestyle, and incorporating supplements and plants that can help counter biological damage.

An essential asset for the urban life of 2020.

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See the protocol by clicking here.

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Janeck Olczyk,

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